
A Short Biography of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

World-Victorious Saint / A Short Biography of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

A Short Biography of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Early life & Education

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was born on September 8, 1951, in Dhanana village, Sonipat district, Haryana, India, into a farming family. After completing his education, he worked as a Junior Engineer in the Haryana Irrigation Department for 18 years. In 1988, he received initiation from Supreme Saint Ramdevanand Ji and devoted himself wholeheartedly to spiritual practice, following the worship prescribed by his guru. Through this dedicated sadhna, he experienced divine realization and communion with God.


Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj received initiation on February 17, 1988, on the night of Amaavasya, at the age of 37. In Santmat, the initiation day is regarded as the devotee's spiritual birthday. This aligns with Nostradamus's prediction, which states that the spiritual birth of the Tatvdrshta Chyren would occur on a dark Amaavasya. At that time the spiritual age of that world-leader will not be 16, 20 or 25 years, he will not be young, rather he will be mature, and he would gain worldwide recognition between the ages of 50 and 60. That will be the year 2006.

Resignation from the post of Junior Engineer

In 1993, Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj directed Saint Rampal Ji to start delivering spiritual discourses (satsang), and in 1994, he was given the responsibility to initiate devotees by imparting the spiritual mantra (naam). Deeply devoted to his spiritual path, Saint Rampal Ji submitted his resignation from his position as Junior Engineer, which was officially accepted by the Haryana Government under letter no. 3492-3500, dated 16/5/2000.

Dissemination of Knowledge

From 1994 to 1998, Saint Rampal Ji traveled extensively, conducting satsangs in every village, city, and home, gathering a large following. During this time, opposition from uninformed saints also intensified.

Establishment of Satlok Ashram Karontha

In 1999, he established Satlok Ashram in Karontha, Rohtak, and inaugurated it with a seven-day-long satsang from June 1 to June 7, marking the manifestation day of Supreme God Kabir Ji. He then instituted monthly three-day satsangs on every full moon (Purnima). As a result, devotees began traveling from distant places to attend, and the number of followers who embraced the Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) grew into the lakhs within a short span.

Increasing Unease among Uninformed Saints especially Arya Samaj

Followers who transitioned from the uninformed saints and rishis to Saint Rampal Ji began challenging these uninformed acharyas and saints by questioning their contradictory teachings. They pointed out discrepancies, such as in Yajurved Chapter 8, Verse 13, which states that the Supreme God forgives the sins of His devotees. In contrast, the book Satyarth Prakash claims that "God does not forgive the sins of His devotee." Another claim in Satyarth Prakash (Samullas 7) suggests that, just like Earth, humans and other beings reside on the sun, which followers found illogical.

Additionally, in Yajurved Chapter 5, Verse 1, it is written that the Supreme God has a body: “Agne TanuH Asi Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur Asi ||” – emphasizing twice that God possesses a body. This refers to the Eternal Being, who, when manifesting in the world to impart Tatvgyan (true knowledge), dons a body of light over His effulgent form. The repetition in the mantra underscores this divine truth.

2006 - Attack on Satlok Ashram Karonth

Facing such arguments and fearing exposure of their lack of knowledge, the uninformed saints, mahants, and acharyas began a smear campaign against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. They spread negative propaganda in the neighboring villages of Satlok Ashram Karontha. On 12th July 2006, they, along with their followers, attacked Satlok Ashram with the intent to harm Saint Rampal Ji and destroy the ashram. The police intervened, resulting in injuries to some troublemakers. The government then seized the ashram and, based on false charges, imprisoned Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj along with some of his followers.

Despite these allegations, Saint Rampal Ji gained widespread recognition in 2006. Though the false accusations made him infamous, the saint remained innocent.

Sant Rampal Ji was aquitted of all the charges framed in 2006 in Dec 2022 by District Court Rohtak

- News article in Print

Prediction of Nostradamus

Readers who are familiar with Nostradamus’ prophecy may wonder how someone so vilified could spread knowledge worldwide. However, it is worth noting that God has the power to change circumstances in an instant.

Kabir, Saheb se sab hot hai, bande se kachhu naahin | Raai se parvat kare, parvat se fir raai ||

Supreme God Kabir Ji, through Saint Rampal Ji, will soon reveal the truth to society through Tatvgyan for the salvation of His followers. At that point, the entire world will recognize the depth and authenticity of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj's knowledge.

Since 2003, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has been spreading this true knowledge through newspapers and TV channels, challenging other saints by stating that their teachings contradict the scriptures. He has warned that by leading devotees to worship in ways contrary to the scriptures, these saints are becoming wrongdoers. To this day, no saint has dared to refute his claims.

In 2001, on the first Thursday of October, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj received an inspiration to study the true scriptures of all religions in depth. He began by studying the Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and authored the book Gahri Nazar Gita Mein, launching his satsang in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, in March 2002. Nostradamus had prophesied that a world-religious Hindu Saint (Chyren) would become knowledgeable at age 50 in 2001 and spread divine knowledge. Born on 8 September 1951 in Dhanana, Haryana, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj fits this prophecy. Under his leadership, India will guide the world, and one path of Bhakti will prevail globally. There will be peace, unity, and one law for all. Those who initially resist will eventually accept Tatvgyan, and humanity will follow the path of true salvation, leading to Satlok.

Nostradamus, in his prophecy, stated that the scripture-certified Tatvgyan shared by the world-conqueror Saint would overshadow all previous saints' teachings, making them appear insignificant. These saints would eventually have to humbly submit to this higher wisdom. Similarly, Supreme God Kabir Bandichhor Ji, in His sacred speech recorded by Saint Dharmdas Ji about 550 years ago in the holy book Kabir Sagar, foretold that a time would come when only His knowledge would prevail across the world. This knowledge would bring about an era of peaceful devotion, mutual love, and harmony reminiscent of the Satyug (Golden Age). Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has grasped and spread this divine knowledge as revealed by Supreme God Kabir Bandichhor. God Kabir further emphasized regarding this knowledge in His speech, saying:

Kabir, aur gyan sab gyaandi, Kabir gyan so gyan | Jaise gola tob ka, karta chale maidaan ||

Meaning: This Tatvgyan is so powerful that the teachings of other saints and sages cannot withstand it. Just as a cannonball flattens everything in its path, leveling all forts, this supreme knowledge will overshadow and eliminate any opposing doctrines.

Saint Garibdas Ji of Chhudani (District Jhajjar, Haryana) provided the evidence that the Satguru, the Tatvdarshi Saint sent by Supreme God Kabir, will appear in the Delhi region:

Garib, Satguru dilli mandal aaysi, sooti dharni soom jagaaysi

He will awaken those who are spiritually dormant and have forgotten the true devotion to God. Historically, Village Dhanana (District Sonipat) fell under the Delhi region. Hence, Saint Garibdas Ji predicted that the Satguru, the Saint with true knowledge, would appear in this area.

Saheb Kabir takht khavaasa, dilli mandal leejae vaasa

The meaning is that the 'khwaas' (servant) of the 'Takht' (court) of Supreme God Kabir Bandichhor, representing the Supreme God, will be born in the Delhi region. He will first introduce his Hindu brothers to the Tatvgyan. Wise Hindus will awaken and, upon understanding this knowledge, will seek his refuge. Eventually, the entire world will embrace the teachings of this Tatvdarshi Hindu Saint. Nostradamus also predicts this, expressing sorrow that, due to ignorance, his Chyren (Tatvdarshi Saint) has been disdained. He urges wise individuals not to overlook him, as this revered Saint, a follower of the Aadi Purush (Supreme God), is the savior of the world and deserving of worship.

Nostradamus describes on pages 41 and 42 that the world-conqueror Tatvdarshi Saint will free individuals from the torment of Kaal (the cycle of suffering) and lead them to salvation alongside their eternal ancestors. He will provide a mantra consisting of just three words: "Om," "Tat," and "Sat," without adding any other terms. This concept is supported by evidence in the Holy Rigveda (Mandal 10, Sukt 90, Mantra 16), Samveda (Shlok Sankhya 822), and the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita (Adhyay 17, Shlok 23). A Purna Sant (complete Saint) uses these three mantras to guide devotees in bhakti (devotion) to the Supreme God (Aadi Purush), liberating them from Kaal's grasp. Consequently, these worshippers can ascend to the realm of virtuous souls, escaping the grief of this earthly existence, where they have been ensnared by Kaal. 

Nostradamus indicates that the intermediate generation will embody an ideal life rooted in Hindu principles. The Chyren (Tatvdarshi Saint) will unveil a unique, superior scripture-based ordinance of bhakti (devotion), revitalizing human culture and the virtues of mankind. This concept is summarized in Marathi on page 42, emphasizing that the Chyren will rescue this generation. Notably, this account was overlooked in the Hindi translation, hence the clarification here. Supreme God Kabir Ji also supports this notion, stating:

Dharmdas tohe laakh duhaai, Saargyan va Saarshabd kahin baahar na jaai | Saarnaam baahar jo parhi, bichli peedi hans nahin tar hi || Saargyan tab tak chhupaai, jab tak dwaadas panth na mit jaai |

In 1947, India gained independence from British rule, marking the beginning of the intermediate generation of Kalyug, which will last for a thousand years. Supreme God sent Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to Earth in 1951 to guide this generation toward true bhakti (devotion). Those who engage in sincere bhakti will attain Satlok, while those who waver in their devotion but remain loyal to their Guru will experience multiple human births in Kalyug as a result of their scripture-based worship.

As this generation progresses, it will experience a better phase of Kalyug than before. However, the final generation will lack bhakti, having exhausted the merits earned during the bhakti-yug. This last generation will be ungrateful and unable to practice bhakti. Since 2006, the Chyren has made his presence known to all—Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Garib, samjha hai to sir dhar paanv, bahur nahin re aisa daav ||

Meaning: if you have grasped the essence of Tatvgyan, act swiftly: seek initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj for your welfare. This opportunity—marked by the intermediate generation, your human existence, and the presence of a Tatvdarshi Saint—may not come again. If you still do not commit to the path of bhakti, it is said:

Yeh sansaar samajhda naahin, kahanda shaam dupahre noo | Garibdas yeh vakt jaat hai, rovoge is pahre noo ||

Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj highlights the distressing reality that many in this world practice sadhna contrary to scriptural teachings. He compares this to someone standing in the scorching midday sun, insisting it’s evening, much like a drunkard oblivious to his surroundings. Worshippers who ignore scriptural injunctions and follow arbitrary practices are endangering their spiritual lives, believing they are on the superior path while suffering in Kaal’s domain.

Garibdas Ji warns that if you continue to disregard the evidence and neglect true sadhna under the guidance of a Complete Saint, you risk losing this invaluable human life and the opportunity of the bhakti age. You may later regret this choice and lament the lost chance for spiritual growth, but by then, it will be too late to change your fate.

Supreme God Kabir Ji Bandichhor Ji has said -

Aachchhe din paachhae gaye, Satguru se kiya na het | Ab pachhtava kya kare, jab chidiya chug gayi khet ||


We urge all of humanity to recognize the Complete Saint, Rampal Ji Maharaj, and secure the spiritual welfare of yourself and your family. Share this message with your relatives and friends so that everyone may attain complete salvation. The Golden Age has begun, and millions of pious souls, having recognized the Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, are engaging in true bhakti. They have found immense happiness, abandoned all vices, and are living pure lives.

Now, please continue reading the translation of Nostradamus's prophecies in Marathi by a renowned astrologer from Maharashtra.

 ← Prophecies regarding Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj