
Manifestation of God Kabir in Dwaparyug as Karunamay

Who is the Supreme Being / Manifestation of God Kabir in Dwaparyug as Karunamay

Manifestation of God Kabir in Dwaparyug as Karunamay

Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Dwaparyug under the name ‘Karunamay’

Supreme God Kabir (KavirDev) manifested in Dwapar Yug as Karunamay. During this time, a devoted disciple named Sudarshan Supach, born in the Balmik (Scheduled) caste, became His follower. Sudarshan ji successfully completed the Pandavas' yagya, a ritual that had not been fulfilled by Shri Krishna, the thirty-three crore gods, eighty-eight thousand Rishis, twelve crore Brahmins, nine Naaths, or eighty-four Siddhs. By receiving three authentic mantras from his Complete Guru, Sudarshan Valmik practiced true sadhna while adhering to the Guru’s teachings.

God Kabir Taking Indramati in Refuge in Dwapar Yug

In Dwaparyug, there was a king named Chandravijay, whose wife, Indramati, was deeply religious. She showed immense respect for saints and spiritual leaders, and had taken a guru. Her guru advised her, "Daughter, serving saints brings great rewards, and feeding them is especially beneficial." Following this guidance, Indramati strictly adhered to practices like fasting on Ekadashi, chanting mantras, and other forms of devotion. Her guru had assured her that feeding saints would guarantee her future as a queen in the next life and a place in heaven. Determined, she made a personal vow to feed one saint every day before eating herself, believing that this practice would ensure her spiritual progress and help her maintain focus on her devotion. For years, she faithfully followed this routine.

Once, during the Kumbh festival in Haridwar, all the saints and sages, devoted to the worship of the Trigun Maya, left for a holy dip in the Ganga. For several days, Queen Indramati couldn't find a saint to feed as per her vow. Remaining true to her pledge, she also did not eat. On the fourth day, weakened and desperate, the queen said to her maid, "If you cannot find a saint today, I will not survive. I will die, but I will not break my vow." The compassionate Supreme God Kabir, who always finds a way to bring His devotees into His refuge, was already at work. The maid went to the balcony and, to her relief, saw a saint dressed in white approaching from the distance.

In Dwapar Yug, Supreme God Kabir appeared under the name Karunamay. The queen's maid, seeing a saint approaching, hurriedly went down to inform her. "There is a saint outside," she said. The queen quickly replied, "Bring him here at once." The maid approached Karunamay Sahib and respectfully relayed the queen’s request, "Our queen has called you, Mahatma ji."

Karunamay (God Kabir) responded, "Why has the queen summoned me? What do I have to do with the queen?" After listening to the maid's explanation, He said, "If the queen truly needs me, she can come here; I am standing in this spot. You are a maid, and she is a queen. If I go and she denies calling me, or the king says something, it could result in disrespecting a saint, which is a grave sin."

The maid returned and told the queen everything. The queen immediately said, "Maid, hold my hand and come with me." Upon reaching Karunamay Sahib, the queen prostrated herself with deep reverence and said, "Oh Supreme Being! It is my heart's desire to honor you by carrying you on my shoulder."

Karunamay Sahib replied, "Daughter, I only wanted to see if you had true devotion or if you were merely fasting." He then accompanied her to the palace. The queen personally prepared the food for him. Karunamay, in the form of KavirDev, explained, "I do not consume food. My body is not meant for eating."

To this, the queen declared, "Then I will also refrain from eating." Seeing her devotion, Karunamay Sahib said, "Alright daughter, bring the food; I will eat." After all, only He who is 'All-Capable' (Samrath) can do as He wishes.

Karunamay Sahib ate the food. Then, Supreme God Kabir, appearing in the form of Karunamay, asked the queen, "Who instructed you in this practice of worship you're following?" The queen replied, "My Gurudev gave me these orders."

God Kabir asked, "What exactly did your Gurudev instruct?" Indramati answered, "Worship of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh; observing the Ekadashi fast; pilgrimages; goddess worship; performing shraadhs; visiting temples; and serving saints."

Karunamay Sahib (God Kabir) responded, "The practices given by your Gurudev will keep you trapped in the cycle of birth and death, heaven and hell, and will not free you from the suffering of the 84 lakh life forms."

Indramati replied, "All saints claim to glorify themselves. Do not speak against my Gurudev, whether or not I attain liberation."

Karunamay (God Kabir) Sahib thought, "How can I guide these innocent souls? They are so attached to their practices that they would rather die than question them." He then said, "Daughter, it's your choice. I'm not criticizing anyone. Have I insulted your Gurudev or spoken ill of him? I am merely explaining the true path of bhakti. The way you're practicing devotion goes against the scriptures. It won't lead to salvation, nor will it alleviate the consequences of your past deeds. And listen carefully—three days from now, you will die. Neither your Gurudev nor this misguided worship will save you."

(When faced with the prospect of death, people become fearful and open to listening.)

The queen, struck with fear, thought, "Saints don't lie. What if I truly die in three days?" Out of fear, she asked Karunamay Sahib, "Sahib, is there a way to save my life?"

God Kabir (in the form of Karunamay) replied, "Yes, your life can be saved. If you take initiation from me, become my disciple, and abandon your former way of worship, your life will be spared."

Indramati said, "I’ve heard that changing one’s Gurudev brings sin." God Kabir (Karunamay) replied, "No, daughter, that’s a misunderstanding. If one doctor's treatment fails, don’t we seek another? Similarly, as a student progresses through grades, they need a higher-level teacher. You can’t stay in the same class forever. You need to advance. I have come to guide you further."

Although hesitant, the fear of death began to creep in, and she thought, "What if the saint is right?" Reluctantly, she agreed, "I will do as you say."

Karunamay (God Kabir) then initiated her and instructed, "On the third day, Kaal will appear before you in my form. Do not speak to him immediately. Instead, silently recite the mantra I’ve given you for two minutes. After that, look at him and greet him with respect. Normally, when Gurudev comes, one should bow immediately, but this time, follow my specific instruction." The queen agreed, "Alright."

The queen, deeply engrossed in her recitation, was filled with anxiety. Kaal appeared in the form of Karunamay Sahib and called out, "Indramati, Indramati." Despite her fear, she continued her mantra recitation without looking at Kaal. When she finally glanced up after two minutes, she saw that Kaal’s form had shifted, revealing his true identity, no longer resembling Karunamay Sahib. Realizing that she possessed a powerful mantra, Kaal departed, saying, "I’ll see you another time. You’ve been saved this time."

The queen was overjoyed and told her maidservants, "I was meant to die today, but my Gurudev saved me." She then informed the king, "Kaal was here to take me, but I was spared." The king dismissed her claims, saying, "You’re always dramatizing. If Kaal had really come, he wouldn’t have left you. Saints just mislead you." Unable to accept the king's words, the queen retreated to her room, still elated. Soon after, Kaal reappeared in the form of a snake and bit her. As the snake bit her, the queen cried out, "A snake has bitten me!" Her servants rushed in, but the snake had already escaped through a small outlet. The queen, having called out to her Gurudev, fainted.

Karunamay (God Kabir) appeared and, though capable of restoring life without any mantra, performed a recitation to demonstrate His power. He brought Indramati back to life. The queen was deeply grateful, acknowledging that without His refuge, she would have died. God Kabir remarked, "Indramati, I would have prevented Kaal from even entering your home, but you wouldn’t have trusted me. You might have thought that no crisis would come to you and believed that Guruji had misled you. Therefore, I gave you a small shock to help you develop faith. Now, remember, I will decide when your time comes."

Garibdas ji says that -

Garib, Kaal darae Kartaar se, jai jai jai jagdish | Jaura jauri jhadti, pag raj daare sheesh ||

Kaal fears God Kabir (Supreme God Kabir), and death (jaura) cleans Kabir Sahib’s shoes i.e. is equivalent to a servant. It then applies this dust to its head and declares that it will not only visit your devotee.

Garib, Kaal jo peesae peesna, jaura hai panihaar | Ye do asal majoor hain, mere Sahib ke darbaar ||

Kaal, the Lord (Brahm) of the twenty-one brahmands and father of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, serves God Kabir (Kabir Sahib) by grinding flour for Him, signifying his role as a mere servant. Similarly, jaura (death) fetches water for God Kabir, acting as a special maid servant. These two true servants are present in the court of Supreme God Kabir.

A few days later, Karunamay (God Kabir) Sahib ji returned and bestowed the Satnaam upon Queen Indramati.

After some time, seeing Queen Indramati’s deep devotion, Karunamay ji granted her Saarnaam and made her attain Shabd. Supreme God Kabir would visit Indramati periodically. She would plead with Him, "Please advise my husband, the king. If he too accepts your guidance, my life will be truly fulfilled."

God Kabir appealed to King Chandravijay, "Chandravijay, you should also receive naam. The kingdom and its luxuries are temporary; beyond this, one faces the cycle of 84 lakh births in various forms of life."

Chandravijay responded, "Lord, I will not take naam, but I will not hinder your disciple from giving away the entire treasury or organizing any spiritual discourses. I will not oppose it."

God Kabir inquired, "Why won’t you take naam?" The king replied, "I need to attend the gatherings of other prominent kings."

Karunamay (God Kabir) said, "Naam will not interfere with your social engagements. You may attend assemblies, enjoy cashewnuts, milk, and juice, but avoid alcohol, which is a grave sin." Despite this, the king remained resolute.

At the queen's request, Karunamay (God Kabir) ji urged the king once more, emphasizing that without naam, his life would be in vain. "You should receive naam," He said.

The king replied, "Guruji, please do not insist. I will not oppose your disciple, regardless of how much charity she gives or how many satsangs she organizes."

God Kabir responded, "Daughter, his attachment to temporary pleasures has clouded his judgment. Stay devoted to God and focus on your own spiritual welfare. Remember, no one remains a wife or husband here; these roles are transient and based on past actions. Perform righteous deeds and seek your own liberation."

As Indramati approached her eightieth year, though she was destined to live only to forty, and her body began to weaken, Karunamay Sahib ji asked, "Indramati, what is your wish now? Do you wish to go to Satlok?"

Indramati replied, "Supreme God, I am ready. I am fully prepared, Benevolent One."

Karunamay Sahib ji then inquired, "Do you have any attachment to your grandchildren?"

The queen responded, "None at all, Supreme God. You have bestowed upon me such pure knowledge. What could I wish for in this transient world?"

God Kabir (Karunamay) ji said, "Come, daughter." And with that, the queen passed away.

Supreme God Kabir (Karunamay) took Queen Indramati's soul to Mansarover, a sacred lake in this brahmand, where souls are bathed before proceeding further. Appearing in His Guru Form, Supreme God Kabir kept her at the lake for some time. He then asked Indramati, "If you have any remaining desires, you will need to take birth again. If any desire lingers in your mind, you cannot proceed to Satlok."

Indramati replied, "Sahib, you are all-knowing. I have no desires except for your feet. However, I have a concern: my husband never opposed my religious practices. In contrast, today's husbands often obstruct their wives. If he had forbidden me, I would not have reached your feet or attained my salvation. If he gains any benefit from his support, please have mercy on him as well."

Seeing that Indramati's concern was causing her to hesitate, Supreme God Kabir said, "Very well, daughter. Remain here for two to four years."

Two years later, the king began to die as he had not taken naam. Yam’s messengers arrived, and the king, feeling faint, collapsed in the courtyard. They began to strangle him, causing him to choke and lose control of his bodily functions.

Karunamay (God Kabir) Sahib ji, observing from Mansarover, said to the queen, "Look at the state of your king." The queen, distressed, pleaded, "Lord, if he gains any merit from his support in devotion, please have mercy on him."

The queen still had some affection for the king. God Kabir (Karunamay ji), aware that she might again get entangled in Kaal’s trap, decided to intervene. He traveled from Mansarover to where King Chandravijay lay unconscious in his palace. The Yamdoots (messengers of Yam) were in the process of taking his life. Upon God Kabir’s arrival, the Yamdoots fled as vultures from a corpse, and Chandravijay regained consciousness.

Karunamay Sahib ji appeared only to Chandravijay, who fell at His feet, pleading, "Please forgive me, Beneficent. Save my life," realizing his imminent death. God Kabir responded, "King, the situation remains unchanged. Just as it was before, you must take naam." The king agreed, "I will take naam now." God Kabir provided him with naam updesh and granted him two more years of life. He warned, "If you waste even a single breath, the consequences of your deeds will return."

Kabir, jeevan to thoda bhalaa, jae sat sumran ho | Laakh varsh ka jeevna, lekhe dhare na ko ||

Due to his past cooperation in auspicious actions and two years of devoted sumiran, God Kabir granted Chandravijay all three naams and took him across.

"Hail KavirDev, Jai Bandichhor!"

Supreme God Kabir extends the life of true devotees and safeguards their families, as demonstrated by the above account from ancient times. Although such evidence may be hard to believe today, contemporary proof of suffering relief and increased lifespan through Satguru Rampal ji's power, derived from Supreme God Kabir, can be found in this book under the section "True Path to the Misled."


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