
God Kabir manifests in all four Yugas.

Who is the Supreme Being / God Kabir manifests in all four Yugas.

God Kabir manifests in all four Yugas.

Satguru Purush Kabir hain, chaaron yug prvaan | 
Jhoothe guruva mar gaye, ho gaye bhoot masaan ||

KavirDev (God Kabir) manifested in Satyug under the name Satsukrit

Due to the lack of Tatvgyan, devout souls question how God Kabir, who appeared as a weaver in Kashi in Vikrami Samvat 1455 (1398 CE), can be the Supreme God KavirDev mentioned in the Vedas.

In this context, Sant Rampal Das requests that it be acknowledged that the same Supreme God KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir), who existed in Satlok before the Vedic knowledge, has manifested in all four Yugas to impart His true knowledge. He appeared as 'Satsukrit' in Satyug, 'Muninder' in Tretayug, 'Karunamay' in Dwaparyug, and as 'KavirDev' in Kalyug. Beyond these manifestations, He assumes various forms and performs divine acts before disappearing. Devout souls often fail to recognize Him due to the misleading descriptions of God as formless by many Maharishis and saints. In reality, God is manifested in a visible human-like body composed of light, not the five elements, and appears whenever He chooses, as He is the Creator of all.

Supreme God Kabir (KavirDev) manifested in Satyug as Satsukrit. During this time, He imparted true knowledge (Tatvgyan) to Garud ji, Shri Brahma ji, Shri Vishnu ji, and Shri Shiv ji. He also attempted to share this knowledge with the great sage Shri Manu ji. However, Shri Manu ji did not accept the Supreme God’s teachings, sticking to the Vedic knowledge he had received from Shri Brahma ji and his own interpretations. Consequently, Shri Manu ji mocked Satsukrit, accusing Him of presenting contradictory teachings. This led to Satsukrit being given the alias Vamdev, where "Vam" signifies "opposite," akin to how the left hand is called "Vama" or "opposite" in Hindi.

Thus, Supreme God KavirDev, who manifested as Satsukrit in Satyug, endeavored to impart true knowledge to the sages and worshippers of that era. However, the sages rejected His teachings and began referring to Him as Vamdev instead.

This is why Yajurved Chapter 12, Verse 4, states that Vamdev Rishi accurately understood and conveyed the true knowledge of the Yajurved.

To grasp the knowledge of the Holy Vedas, consider this example: Yajurved is a sacred text. Any mention of terms like YajuH or Yajum in Sanskrit also refers to the Yajurved. Similarly, the true name of the Supreme God is KavirDev, though it is referred to as Kabir Sahib or Kabir Parmeshwar in various languages.

Many devotees question how Kavir can be identified as Kabir. From a grammatical perspective, "KaviH" means omniscient (Sarvagya). However, it's important to note that language existed before grammar, as the Vedic hymns were spoken by God and grammar was later developed by the Rishis. This can lead to inconsistencies in grammatical interpretation. Just as the city of Palwal is referred to as Parwar by locals, similarly, Kavir is called Kabir. The essence remains the same, despite variations in language.

In 'Satyarth Prakash,' Samullas 4, page 100 (published by Dayanand Math Dinanagar), Maharishi Dayanand ji translates "Devrkama" as "Devar ki Kamna," noting that "Devr" is equivalent to "Devar." This demonstrates that there is no grammatical issue with writing or pronouncing Kavir as Kavir and in other languages as Kabir. The Supreme God is indeed KavirDev.

This evidence is also found in Yajurved Chapter 29, Verse 25, and Samved Mantra 1400, which state:

Yajurved Adhyay no. 29 Shlok no. 25

Samiddhoadhya manusho durone devo devaanyajasi jaatvedH Aa ch vah mitrmahshchikitvaantvaM dootH Kavirasi prchetaH 25

SamiddhH - adhya - manushH - durone - devH - devaan - yaj - asi - jaatvedH - aa - ch - vah - mitrmahH - chikitvaan - tvam - dootH - Kavir - asi - prchetaH

Translation: (Adhya) Today i.e. in the present time (durone) wickedly in the body-like palace (manushH) the thoughtful persons engrossed in wrong way of worship (samiddhH) the lit fire i.e. the current way of worship opposite to the scriptures which is harmful, in its place (devaan ) of the gods (devH) God (jaatvedH) Supreme God SatPurush's real (yaj ) way of worship (asi) is. (aa) kind (mitrmahH) the Supreme God only who is the real friend of the living being (chikitvaan ) healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti (dootH) in the form of a messenger (vah) who brings (ch) and (prchetaH) who imparts (tvam ) Himself (Kavirasi) is KavirDev i.e. is Supreme God Kabir.

Translation: In the present time, the harmful practice of worship that contradicts the scriptures is like a fire burning the inner essence of those misguided in their worship. In contrast, the true path is the worship of the Supreme God SatPurush, the God of gods.

The benevolent Supreme God, who is the true friend of every soul and imparts His pure knowledge or true devotion as a messenger, is none other than KavirDev, also known as Supreme God Kabir.

Meaning: When the Supreme God manifests, the Rishis and saints, disregarding the scriptures, lead the devotees astray with arbitrary forms of worship. At such times, KavirDev, also known as God Kabir, Himself appears as the messenger to impart His true, sound knowledge.

Sankhya 1400 Samved Utarchik Adhyay no. 12 Khand no. 3 Shlok no. 5

Bhadra vastra samanya vasaano mahaan Kavirnivachnani shansan Aa vachyasv chamvoH pooymaano vichakshano jaagrvirdevveetau ||5||

Bhadra – vastra – samanya – vasanH – mahaan′ - Kavir′ - nivachnani – shansan′ - aavachyasv – chamvoH – pooymaanH – vichakshanH – jagrviH – Dev – veetau |

Translation: (VichakshanH) Clever people (aavachyasv) have already said through their speeches that do as we preach. Instead of telling the way of worship of the Purna Brahm, those clever people by directing towards the worship of other gods, in place of nectar, (pooymaanH) pus from a boil i.e the worship of others {like, ghost-worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Shankar) and worship of Brahm-Kaal} (chamvoH) are respectfully making sip; at that time to end the wrong knowledge opposite to the scriptures (bhadra) the supreme-happiness-giving (mahaan Kavir ) Supreme God Kabir (vastra) in body in an ordinary attire i.e. {the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. Chola means body. Like, if a saint dies, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, (samanya) acquiring another body made up of lighter mass of lights [tejpunj] similar to that of His body in Satyalok (vasaanH) by living like a common man and staying as a guest for a few days in this world (nivachnani) the true knowledge by means of his Shabdavali, Kabir vaani etc (shansan ) by explaining (Dev) of the Supreme God (veetau) hidden wealth of Sargun-Nirgun knowledge (jagrviH) awakens/brings awareness about.

Translation: Deceptive individuals often direct followers toward various forms of worship that deviate from the true path of Purna Brahm. Instead of offering the nectar of genuine knowledge, they lead worshippers to consume the "pus from a boil"—misguided practices like ghost-worship, ancestor worship, and the worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv) or Brahm-Kaal. To counter this false knowledge, the Supreme God Kabir, embodying a form of radiant light similar to His divine form in Satyalok, descends to Earth in a simple, ordinary attire. During His brief stay, He lives as an ordinary man and reveals the true spiritual knowledge through His teachings and divine words, uncovering the hidden essence of both Sargun and Nirgun aspects of the Supreme God.

Meaning: Yajurved Adhyay 5, Mantra 1 states, "AgneH TanuH asi"—God possesses a body. "Vishnve Tva Somasya TanuH asi" indicates that the Eternal God has a secondary form for nurturing, in which He descends to Earth temporarily. In this form, He awakens souls immersed in ignorance with Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge). This evidence shows that Supreme God KavirDev (God Kabir), by changing His appearance to that of an ordinary man, appears on Earth and delivers His divine teachings, known as Kavir Vaani. During such times, so-called Maharishis, who are misled by false knowledge, lead others into misguided worship practices instead of guiding them toward the true, scripture-based sadhna. Supreme God Kabir thus appears to provide authentic knowledge and correct the erroneous worship practices.

The following mantras in the Holy Rigved describe the Supreme God's attributes when He descends to Earth for a divine purpose. At such times, He assumes the form of a child and is nurtured by maiden cows (adhanya dhenavH). As He matures divinely, He reveals the true knowledge (Tatvgyan) of attaining Satlok (complete salvation) through His teachings, known as Kabir Vaani (KavirgirbhiH), conveyed in poems. Though He is referred to as a poet, KavirDev is, in fact, the Supreme God residing in the third abode of salvation, Satlok. (Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9 and Sukt 96 Mantra 17-18)

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9

Abhi imM adhnya ut shreenanti dhenavH shishum′ Sommindray paatve ||9||

Abhi – imm′ - adhnya – ut – shreenanti – dhenavH – shishum′ - somm′ - indray – paatve |

Translation: (Ut) Especially (imm) this (shishum) appeared in child form (somm) of the Supreme Eternal God (indraay) through comforts i.e. development of body through nourishment (paatve) for the development (abhi) completely (adhnya dhenavH) a cow who has never been troubled by a bull i.e. by a maiden cow (shreenanti) is fostered/nurtured.

Translation: This Supreme Eternal God, who manifests in the form of a child, is nurtured by a maiden cow—one that has never been with a bull—for his physical development and nourishment.

Meaning: When the Supreme Eternal God manifests in the form of a child to perform a divine act, He is nourished by milk given directly from a maiden cow.

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17

Shishum jagyaanm hry tam mrjanti shumbhanti vahinmarutH ganen | 
Kavirgeerbhi kaavyena Kavir sant somH pavitrm atyeti rebhan ||17||

Translation: Supreme God (hry shishum ) in the form of a human child (jagyaanm ) appears intentionally and His true spiritual knowledge / Tatvgyan (tam ) at that time (mrjanti) with purity (shumbhanti) utters/expresses (vahin) who blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God (marutH) devotees cool like wind (ganen) for the group of (kaavyena) by poetic insight, through poems (pavitrm atyeti) with lot of purity (Kavir Geerbhi) Kavir-vaani/speech i.e. through Kabir Vaani (rebhan ) recites by addressing loudly (Kavir Sant somH) that Eternal God i.e. SatPurush alone in the form of a Saint i.e. a Rishi, is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet).

Translation: The Supreme God intentionally manifests as a human child and imparts His pure spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan) at that time. For the devoted souls, who are fervently seeking God, He delivers His profound teachings through Kabir Vaani (Kavir Vaani) in poetic form. This Eternal God, SatPurush, in the guise of a saint or Rishi, is indeed KavirDev. However, due to a lack of recognition, people refer to Him merely as a poet (Kavi).

Meaning: The narrator of the Vedas, Brahm, states that Supreme God KavirDev appears as an extraordinary human child and imparts His true, pure knowledge to His devoted followers through Kabir Vaani (His divine speech in the form of poems and proverbs). He is, in essence, SatPurush Kabir.

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18

Rishimna ya rishikrit′ swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam′ | 
Trteeyam′ dhaam mahishH sisha sant′ somH viraajmanu rajti stup′||18||

Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that (ya) the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child (kavinam ) of famous poets (padviH) attaining the title i.e. plays the role of a saint or rishi, that (rishikrt ) composed by the God appeared in the form of a Saint (sahastraneethH) thousands of speeches (rishimna) for the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees (swarshaH) is the provider of happiness equal to that of heaven. (sant somH) appeared in the form of Rishi/Saint, He is Eternal God i.e. SatPurush only, that Complete God (trteeya) third (dhaam) of the lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok (mahishH) very firm Earth (sisha) establishing (anu) after, in a human-like form (stup ) in a dome on a high hillock-like throne (viraajmanu rajti) in a bright material form i.e is seated in an effulgent human-like visible body.

Translation: The Vedic narrator, Brahm, describes how the Supreme God, appearing as an extraordinary child, assumes the role of a renowned poet or saint. The thousands of divine speeches delivered by this God, who takes on the form of a saint, provide joy equivalent to heavenly bliss to the devoted. This Eternal God, or SatPurush, after establishing the firm foundation of Satyalok, resides in a radiant, human-like form within a dome on a high, elevated throne.

Meaning: Mantra 17 states that KavirDev assumes a child form and grows up performing divine acts. By conveying the Tatvgyan through poems, He gains the title of a poet (Kavi), but in reality, He is the Supreme God Kavir (God Kabir). His nectar-like teachings, known as Kabir Vaani (KavirgirbhiH), provide heavenly comfort to devotees. This same Supreme God, who established Satlok, resides in a radiant, human-like form in a dome on a high throne.

In this mantra, Satlok is identified as the third Lok. The first is the realm of Brahm, covering twenty-one brahmands; the second is the realm of ParBrahm, encompassing seven sankh brahmands; and the third is Satlok, the domain of Param Akshar Brahm, or Purna Brahm.

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