
Dialogue between God Kabir and Kaal

Who is the Supreme Being / Dialogue between God Kabir and Kaal

Dialogue between God Kabir and Kaal

After the Supreme God created all the brahmands and rested in His lok, we began to experience the consequences of our deeds while living in Kaal's brahmand. This led to immense distress and a yearning for happiness and peace. Longing for our true home, Satlok, we started engaging in bhakti to find our way back.

Some memorized all the Vedas, while others practiced intense austerities, engaging in rituals like hawan, yagya, dhyaan, and Samadhi. Yet, despite these efforts, they could not reach their true home, Satlok. Instead, they found themselves cycling through 84 lakh births, experiencing various lives—such as those of kings, wealthy individuals, and even divine beings—while remaining deeply distressed. They began to plead with the Supreme Father God, "Oh Kind God! Please show us the path home. We sincerely do your bhakti; why do you not reveal yourself to us?"

God Kabir narrated this account to Dharmdas ji, explaining that upon hearing the cries of the suffering souls, He, in the form of Jogjit, descended from Satlok to Kaal lok. In the twenty-first brahmand, where Kaal resides, the souls were being tormented on the Taptshila (hot rock) as the impurities from their ethereal bodies were extracted. Upon His arrival, the torment ceased. The souls, seeing Him, asked, "Oh Purush (God)! Who are you? Your presence brings us immense comfort and peace." Kabir responded, "I am PaarBrahm, Supreme God Kabir. You all have originated from my Lok but are now trapped in Kaal Brahm’s realm. Every day, Kaal extracts the impurities from one lakh human beings and consumes them, after which they are left to endure various punishments through different rebirths."

The souls then pleaded, "Oh Kind Supreme God! Please rescue us from this prison of Kaal." I explained, "Kaal acquired these brahmands from me through intense bhakti performed three times. Everything you use here belongs to Kaal, and you have come to roam in this realm by your own choice. Now, you carry a heavy debt to Kaal, and it can only be cleared through the jaap of my true (sacha) naam. Until you are freed from this debt, you cannot escape Kaal Brahm's prison. To be liberated, you must perform bhakti after taking naam-updesh (initiation) from me. Only then can I rescue and take you back with me."

I continued, "Then I will rescue you and take you back with me." As we were discussing this, Kaal Brahm suddenly appeared and furiously attacked me. I rendered him unconscious with my word power. After some time, he regained consciousness, fell at my feet, and pleaded, "You are elder to me, please have mercy and tell me why you have come to my realm."

I replied, "Some souls wish to return to their true home, Satlok, by performing bhakti, but they are unable to find the correct path. Even after their efforts, they remain trapped in your domain. I’ve come to guide them toward true bhakti and to reveal your secret—that you are Kaal, devouring one lakh human beings and producing a lakh and a quarter, all while pretending to be God. I will expose that you are not the Supreme God, but Kaal."

Hearing this, Kaal responded, "If all the souls return to Satlok, what will happen to my sustenance? I will starve. I beg of you to take fewer souls during the three yugas and not reveal my true nature to everyone—that I am Kaal, the one who devours all. When Kaliyug arrives, take as many souls as you wish." Kaal made me promise these terms.

Continuing His narration to Dharmdas, God Kabir said, "I had also come in Satyug, Tretayug, and Dwaparyug, and took many souls to Satlok without revealing Kaal's secret. Now, in Kaliyug, I have come again and had a conversation with Kaal. Kaal Brahm told me, 'No matter how hard you try, nobody will listen to you. I have corrupted the behavior of living beings by introducing vices like smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating meat. I’ve entangled them in deceptive forms of worship, making them unfit for true bhakti.

Furthermore, after you impart your knowledge and return to your Lok, I will send my messengers and establish twelve sects similar to yours to mislead people. They will speak of Satlok and even recount the knowledge you’ve given, but they will chant my mantra. As a result, they will remain my food.'

In response, God Kabir said, 'You may try your tricks, but I will reveal the true path of worship. Those who listen to my knowledge will never be deceived by you.'"

Satguru God Kabir said, "Oh Niranjan! If I wished, I could end your entire game in an instant, but doing so would break my promise. Therefore, instead, I will impart true knowledge to my beloved souls (hans), grant them the power of Shabd, and take them to Satlok." He further added:

Suno Dharmraya, hum sankhon hansa pad parsaaya || Jin linha humra prvana, so hansa hum kiye amaana ||

In the Holy Kabir Sagar, Kaal describes various methods of trapping living beings in confusion and fulfilling his hunger

Dwadas panth karun main saaja, naam tumhara le karun avaaja || Dwadas yam sansaar pathho, naam tumhare panth chalaeho || Pratham doot mm prgate jaai, peechhe ansh tumhara aai || Yahi vidhi jeevanko bhrmaaun, purush naam jeevan samjhaaun || Dwadas panth naam jo laehe, so humre mukh aan same hae || Kaha tumhara jeev nahin maane, humaari aor hoy baad bakhaanae || Main drid fanda rachi banaai, jaamein jeev rahe urjhaai || Deval Dev pashan poojaai, teerth vrat jap-tap man laai || Yagya hom aru nem achaara, aur anek fand mein daara || Jo gyaani jaao sansaara, jeev na maanae kaha tumhara ||

(Satguru Vachan) - Statement of Satguru

Gyaani kahe suno anyaai, kaato fand jeev le jaai || Jetik fand tum rache vichaari, satya shabd tae sabae bindaari || Jaun jeev hum shabd dridaavae, fand tumhara sakal mukaavae || Chauka kar prvaana paai, purush naam tihi deoon chinhaai || Taake nikat Kaal nahin aavae, sandhi dekhi taakahn sir naavae ||

The above description clearly shows that the various sects (Panths) that do not follow the true path of bhakti as prescribed by God Kabir are influenced by Kaal. Therefore, a wise person should carefully choose the correct path of devotion, as human life is precious and not granted repeatedly. God Kabir says:

Kabir maanush janm durlabh hai, mile na barambar | Taruvar se patta toot gire, bahur na lagta daar ||

"Human birth is rare and won't be given again.
Once a leaf falls from the tree, it doesn't reattach."

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