
Who is the Supreme Being

/ Who is the Supreme Being

Who is the Supreme Being

Who is the Supreme Being of the Lineage, and what are His attributes?

Pious souls who have attained God have revealed that the Supreme Master of the lineage is one. He possesses a human-like form composed of radiant light, where the light from a single hair follicle surpasses the combined light of crore suns and moons. This Supreme Being manifests in various forms and is known by different names across languages. In the Vedas, He is called KavirDev; in Guru Granth Sahib, He is referred to as Hakka Kabir; in the speech of Shri Dharmdas ji, He is known as Sat Kabir; in the Sad Granth of Sant Garibdas ji, He is Bandichhor Kabir; and in the Qur'an, He is mentioned as Kabira, Kabiran, or Khabira (Surat Furqan, Ayat 19, 21, 52, 58, 59). Other synonymous names include Anami Purush, Agam Purush, Alakh Purush, SatPurush, Akaal Moorti, Shabd Swaroopi Ram, Purna Brahm, and Param Akshar Brahm. 

For example, the name of a country’s prime minister is distinct from titles like "Prime Minister" or "Pradhan Mantri," which are used to describe their role. When the prime minister manages the Home Ministry, they sign documents as the Home Minister, even though the role and designation remain the same. Similarly, understanding God's power requires recognizing that while He may have different names and forms, His essence remains consistent.

Saints and sages who have not attained God often describe their final experience as witnessing only the divine light. They believe that God cannot be seen in a physical form and that hearing internal sounds or experiencing similar phenomena is a result of spiritual devotion.

Consider this analogy: A blind man, who has convinced other blind individuals that he can see, describes the moonlight as beautiful and enchanting. When asked to describe the moon, he replies that the moon is formless and cannot be seen.

If someone claims that the sun is formless and cannot be seen, asserting that only its light is visible, it parallels a situation where disciples follow instructions to gaze at the sky for 2½ hours each morning and evening but see nothing. They conclude that their inability to see the sun or moon is due to their failure to complete the practice. Thus, they accept the blind guru's teaching as accurate.

If someone with sight then points out that the sun has a form and emits light, and explains that the moon also provides light at night, it challenges the blind guru's claim. Similarly, if one were to say they saw the light from a tube light but could not describe the tube because it is formless, it raises the question: how can there be light without a source?

If someone claims that a diamond is self-illuminated and that only its brightness can be seen because the diamond itself is invisible, they clearly lack an understanding of diamonds. Such a person would be considered an unqualified jeweler. Similarly, those who assert that God is formless and that only the light and sound associated with God constitute true realization are fundamentally misunderstanding both God and true devotion. When asked to explain their claims, they mislead their followers, displaying ignorance of genuine spiritual insight. In response, those lacking true wisdom reacted defensively, accusing others of calling them liars while claiming sole possession of the truth. This situation mirrors the current state of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

To resolve which saint's viewpoints are correct, consider this analogy: Imagine five lawyers each proposing a different section of the law for a crime—Section 301, 302, 304, 306, and 307. Each lawyer argues for their interpretation of which section applies.

Not all five lawyers can be correct. Only one can be right if their interpretation aligns with the country's honorable constitution. If their interpretation contradicts the constitution, then all are wrong. Similarly, among various viewpoints and practices, only those consistent with the true Holy Scriptures, which are universally accepted, can be deemed correct. This principle is supported by Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16, Verse 23-24.

Among the enlightened ones (Complete Saints) who have witnessed the "moon" (Supreme God), a few notable names include: -

  • (1) Respected Dharmdas ji
  • (2) Respected Dadu Das Sahib ji
  • (3) Respected Malook Das Sahib ji
  • (4) Respected Garibdas Sahib ji
  • (5) Respected Nanak Sahib ji
  • (6) Respected Gheesa Das Sahib ji etc.

Dharmdas Sahib Ji

Respected Dharmdas Sahib Ji of Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh, encountered the Supreme God in the form of a living saint (Jinda Mahatma) in Mathura, where He revealed Satlok to him. In Satlok, the Supreme God took two forms, sat on the throne, and told Dharmdas Ji that He had incarnated at Neeru-Neema's house in Kashi (Banaras) as a weaver (Dhaanak). He mentioned that Shri Ramanand Ji was His Guru. After this revelation, Shri Dharmdas Ji's soul returned to his body, which had remained unconscious for two days. Upon regaining consciousness, he discovered that the weaver in Kashi was indeed the Supreme God (SatPurush). Dharmdas Ji then created the true scripture, Holy Kabir Sagar, Kabir Saakhi, and Kabir Beejak, based on this eye-witnessed account and the divine words spoken by the Supreme God.

Evidence from the sacred speech:

Aaj mohe darshan diyo ji Kabir tek
Satyalok se chal kar aaye, kaatan jam ki janjeer|| 1||
Thaare darshan se mhaare paap katat hain, nirmal hovae ji shareer ||2
Amrit bhojan mhaare Satguru jeemaen, shabd doodh ki kheer ||3||
Hindu ke tum Dev kahaaye, Musalmaan ke peer|| 4||
Dono deen ka jhagda chhid gayaa, tohe na paaye shareer|| 5||
Dharmdas ki arj Gosaain, beda lagaaio parle teer ||6||

Respected Dadu Ji

Respected Dadu Ji, a witness of Kabir Parmeshwar (as evident in sacred speech) - At the age of seven, Respected Dadu Sahib Ji was blessed by the Supreme God, who appeared in the form of a Jinda Mahatma and took him to Satlok. Dadu Ji remained unconscious for three days, and upon regaining consciousness, he spoke numerous sacred verses about the divine glory he had personally witnessed of the Supreme God.

Jin mokun nij naam diya, soi Satguru hamaar || dadu doosra koi nahin, Kabir srjan haar || Dadu naam Kabir ki, jae koi leve ot || unko kabahu laage nahin, Kaal vajr ki chot || Dadu naam Kabir ka, sunkar kaanpe Kaal || naam bharose jo nar chale, hove na banka baal || Jo jo sharan Kabir ke, targaye anant apaar || Dadu gun keeta kahe, kahat na aavae paar || Kabir karta aap hai, dooja naahin koye || Dadu pooran jagat ko, bhakti drdaavan soye || Theka pooran hoye jab, sab koi tajae shareer || Dadu Kaal ganje nahin, japae jo naam Kabir || Aadmi ki aayu ghatae, tab yam ghere aaye || sumiran kiya Kabir ka, Dadu liya bachaay || Meti diya apraadh sab, aay mile chhanmaanh || Dadu sang le chale, Kabir charan ki chhanh || Sewak Dev nij charan ka, Dadu apna jaan || bhrngi Satya Kabir ne, keenha aap samaan || Dadu antargat sada, chhin-chhin sumiran dhyaan || vaaru naam Kabir par, pal-pal mera praan || Sun-sun saakhi Kabir ki, Kaal navaavae maath || dhanya-dhanya ho tin lok mein, Dadu jode haath || Kehri naam Kabir ka, visham Kaal gaj raaj || Dadu bhajan prataapte, bhaage sunat aavaaj || Pal ek naam Kabir ka, Dadu manchit laaye || hasti ke ashvaar ko, shwaan Kaal nahin khaay || Sumirat naam Kabir ka, katey Kaal ki peer || Dadu din din oonche, parmanand sukh seer || Dadu naam Kabir ki, jo koi leve ot tinko || kabahun na lagaii, Kaal bajr ki chot || Aur sant sab koop hain, kete sarita neer || Dadu agam apaar hai, dariya Satya Kabir || Abhi teri sab mitae, janm maran ki peer || swaans uswaans sumirle, Dadu naam Kabir || Koi sargun mein reejh raha, koi nirgun thahraaye || Dadu gati Kabir ki, mote kahi na jaay || Jin moko nij naam dai, Sadguru soi humaar || Dadu doosar kaun hai, Kabir sirjan haar ||

Respected Malook Das Ji

Respected Malook Das Ji, a witness of KavirDev – At the age of 42, Supreme God appeared before Shri Malook Das Ji, causing him to remain unconscious for two days. Upon regaining consciousness, he delivered the following sacred speech:

Japo re man Satguru naam Kabir || tek || Japo re man Satguru naam Kabir ||
Ek samay Guru bansi bajaai kalandri ke teer ||
Sur-nar muni thak gaye, ruk gaya dariya neer ||
Kaanshi taj Guru maghar aaye, dono deen ke peer ||
Koi gaade koi agni jaraavae, dhoonda na paaya shareer ||
Chaar daag se Satguru nyaara, ajro amar shareer ||
Das Malook salook kahat hai, khojo khasam Kabir ||

Respected Garibdas Sahib Ji

Respected Garibdas Sahib Ji of Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana, is a renowned witness of God Kabir (KavirDev). He was born in 1717 A.D. and met God Kabir Ji at the age of 10, in a field named Nalaa in 1727 A.D. Garibdas Sahib Ji departed to Satlok in 1778 A.D. God Kabir appeared before him in a physical, embodied Jinda form while Garibdas Ji and his fellow milkmen were tending their cattle in Nalaa field near the boundary of Village Kablana. When the milkmen offered food to God Kabir, He replied that He had already eaten from His village in Satlok. The milkmen then requested Him to drink milk. God Kabir responded that He drinks the milk of a maiden cow. Child Garibdas Ji, amazed, brought a maiden cow to Him and asked, "Baba Ji, how can this maiden cow give milk?"

Then, KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) gently patted the back of the maiden cow, and miraculously, milk began to flow from her udders, stopping only when the pot was full. Supreme God Kabir drank some of the milk and gave some to child Garibdas Ji as prasaad (a blessed drink). He then took Garibdas Ji to Satlok, where He revealed His two forms and, in His Jinda form, sat on the throne as the Master of all. Supreme God Kabir declared, "I lived in Kashi for 120 years as a weaver (dhaanak), and I had also met Prophet Muhammad before." 

In the Quran Sharif, words like Kabira, Kabiran, Khabira, Khabiran, and Allahu Akbar all refer to me alone. I am the one who met Shri Nanak Ji in the form of a Jinda Mahatma on the bank of the River Bein {Jinda Mahatmas are in Islam, wearing a black knee-length cloak (like an overcoat) and a conical hat}. I also met King Shri Abrahim Sultan Adham in Balakh city and Shri Dadu Ji. In all four Vedas, the names like KavirAgni and KavirDev (KaviranghariH) point towards me.

"Kabir bed humaara bhed hai, main milu bedon se naahin, bed se main miloon, vo bed jaante naahin."

I existed in Satlok much before the Vedas.

In Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana, even today, a memorial stands in the jungle where Sant Garibdas Ji saw and met Supreme God in a human form. After the soul of Respected Garibdas Ji departed with God Kabir Bandichhor, the villagers, thinking him dead, placed him on a pyre and began preparations for cremation. At that moment, Supreme God re-entered the soul of Respected Garibdas Ji into his body, and the ten-year-old boy miraculously came back to life. Subsequently, he composed a book titled Satgranth, which contains his sacred speech, based on the eye-witnessed account of that Supreme God. Evidence of this can be found in the same sacred speech.

Ajab nagar mein le gaya, humkoon Satguru aan || Jhilke bimb agaadh gati, soote chaadar taan ||
Anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahin bhaar || Satguru Purush Kabir hain, kul ke srjan haar ||
Gaibi khyaal vishaal Satguru, achal digambar || theer hai Bhakti het kaaya dhar aaye, avigat Sat Kabir hain ||
Hardam khoj hanoj haajar, trivaini ke teer hain || Das Garib tabeeb Satguru, bandichhod Kabir hain ||
Hum Sultani Nanak tare, Dadu koon updesh diya || Jaat julaaha bhed nahin paaya, Kashi maahe Kabir hua ||
Sab padvi ke mool hain, sakal siddhi hain teer || Garib SatPurush bhajo, avigat kalaa Kabir ||
Jinda jogi Jagat Guru, maalik murshad peer || Dahoon deen jhagda mandya, paaya nahin shareer ||
Garib, jis koon kahte Kabir julaaha | Sab gati purna agam agaaha ||

In the aforementioned speech, Respected Garibdas Ji Maharaj clearly states that the weaver (Dhaanak) of Kashi city granted him the naam (sacred mantra) and liberated him. This weaver of Kashi is none other than (SatPurush) Purna Brahm, the Supreme God.

Supreme God Kabir himself came in the form of a Jinda Mahatma from Satlok and took me to Ajab Nagar (the remarkable city of Satlok). In Satlok, there is only happiness, no worries, no birth or death, and no sorrow from the sufferings experienced by other beings.

This same SatPurush, who appeared as a weaver in Kashi, at various times liberated Respected Shri Abrahim Sultan Adham Ji, Respected Dadu Sahib Ji, and Respected Nanak Sahib Ji by giving them Satnaam. That same KavirDev (God Kabir), whose single hair follicle radiates the brightness of crores of suns and who has a human-like form, meets us in this mortal world by covering His radiant form with a body of dimmed light (known as bhadra vastra). This is because our naked eyes cannot endure the brilliance of His true form.

Respected Garibdas Sahib Ji, in his sacred speech, stated: "Sarv kalaa Satguru Saheb ki, Hari aaye Hariyaane nu," meaning that the place where Supreme God Kavir Hari (KavirDev) appeared is called "Haryana," signifying a holy place where God descended. Over time, the surrounding regions adopted the name "Hariaana" (Haryana). In 1966, following the division of Punjab, this area officially became known as Haryana. The speech, spoken around 236 years ago, was proven true in 1966 when the region gained recognition as the Haryana state, as is evident today.

Therefore, in the Guru Granth Sahib, on page 721, Shri Nanak Ji states in his sacred speech, Mehla 1:

"Hakka Kabir Kareem tu, Beaeb Parvardigaar |
Nanak bugoyad janu tura, tere chaakraan paakhaak ||"

Further evidence of this is found in the Guru Granth Sahib, Raag 'Siri,' Mehla 1, on page 24, Shabd No. 29.

Ek suaan dui suaani naal, bhalke bhaunkahi sada biaal ||
Kud chhura mutha murdaar, dhaanak roop raha kartaar || 1 ||
Mae pati ki pandi na karni ki kaar, uh bigad roop raha bikraal ||
Tera ek naam taare sansaar, main eho aas eho aadhaar ||
Mukh ninda aakha din raat, par ghar johi neech manaati ||
Kaam krodh tan vasah chandaal, dhaanak roop raha kartaar || 2 ||
Faahi surat malooki ves, uh thagvaada thaggi des ||
Kharaa siaana bahuta bhaar, dhaanak roop raha kartaar || 3 ||
Main keeta na jaata haraamkhor, uh kia muh desa dusht chor ||
Nanak neech kah bichaar, dhaanak roop raha kartaar || 4 ||

Additional Portions from Guru Granth Sahib: Raag Aasaavri, Mehla 1

  • Sahib mera eko hai eko hai bhaai eko hai | Aape roop kare bahu bhaanti, Nanak bapura ev kah || (Page 350)
  • Jo tin kia so sachu thia, amrit naam Satguru dia || (Page 352)
  • Guru pure te gati mati paai || (Page 353)
  • Boodat jagu dekhia tau dari bhaage, Satiguru raakhe se bad bhaage, Nanak guru ki charnon laage || (Page 414)
  • Main guru poochhia apna saacha bichaari Ram || (Page 439)

In this sacred speech, Shri Nanak Sahib Ji affirms that the Supreme God (Sahib) is One. He acknowledges his living Guru in human form, from whom he gained Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge). This Guru gave him the nectar naam (eternal mantra), which provides complete salvation. Shri Nanak Ji reveals that this same Guru, appearing in different forms, is SatPurush. He even takes the form of a humble weaver (dhaanak) in Kashi, playing the role of a devotee. Witnessing the world suffer from birth and death due to improper worship practices, Shri Nanak Ji sought refuge at the feet of his Guru, realizing the urgency of his spiritual quest.

Balihaari Guru aapne diuhaadi sadvaar ||
Jin maanas te devte kiye karat na laagi vaar ||
Aapinae aap saajio aapinae rachio naau ||
Dui kudarti saajiye kari aasnu dhitho chaau ||
Daata karta aapi tu tusi devahi karahi pasaau ||
Tu jaanoi sabhsae de laesahi jind kavaau kari aasnu dhitho chaau|| (page no 463)

The meaning is that Supreme God, assuming a Jinda form, appeared on the banks of the river Bein and became known as Jinda. You, creating both the higher (Satlok, etc.) and lower realms (loks of Brahm and ParBrahm), sit in form on the throne in Satlok, enjoying the sight of the worlds You have created. You are Self-existent (Swayambhu), meaning You do not take birth from a mother but manifest Yourself.

This is also supported by the Holy Yajurved, Adhyay 40, Mantra 8:

"Kavir maneeshi swayambhuH paribhu vyavdhaata."

It means God Kabir is omniscient (maneeshi), Self-manifested (Swayambhu), and eternal (Paribhu), the First God and the Creator (Vyavdhaata) of all the different realms.

Ehu jeeu bahute janam bharmia, ta satiguru shabd sunaaiya (page 465)

This means Shri Nanak Sahib ji is expressing that his soul had been wandering through many cycles of birth and death, but now the Complete Satguru has granted him the true naam (divine mantra).
Shri Nanak ji's previous incarnations include King Ambreesh in Satyug, King Janak in Tretayug, and finally Shri Nanak ji in Kalyug. Additionally, he experienced countless other births in various life forms.

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