
Scripture Based Worship

The Revelation of True Knowledge / Scripture Based Worship

Scripture Based Worship

What is the right way of worship or is scripture based worship? It is described as under.

Way of Worship According to the Scriptures

1. In the initial stage, the Brahm Gayatri mantra is given to open the inner spiritual centers (Lotuses).

Some devotees might wonder why, despite being told not to worship the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv), the mantra they receive includes them. To clarify, this is not worship but a necessity. We live in Kaal’s world, and Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv are responsible for providing essential services.

For example, when we use electricity, we pay the bill for the service, not as a form of worship to the electricity department or minister. Similarly, by chanting this mantra, we are paying our dues to the powers governing Kaal's realm (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, etc.), ensuring we receive life's basic facilities.

Due to incorrect worship practices, many devotees have become devoid of blessings and prosperity. I, Sant Rampal Das, will act as your guarantor, ensuring that by following this true way of worship, all essential benefits from these powers are restored to you. This first mantra (Sat Sukrt Avigat Kabir) is true worship of the Supreme God and will grant you eternal benefit. After four months, you will receive Satnaam (True Name), which consists of two mantras. One of these mantras is meant to clear the debt of the twenty-one universes under Kaal. By accumulating the merit from this mantra, you will become free from all debts owed to Kaal (Brahm/Kshar Purush).

Gita Chapter 18, verse 62 and 66 mention

Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62:

Tam′, ev, sharnam′, gachchh, sarvbhaaven, Bharat, Tatprsaadaat′, paraam′, shaantim′, sthanm′, prapsyasi, shaashvatam′ || (62)

Translation: (Bharat) O Bharat! You (sarvbhaaven) in every respect (tam) that Supreme God (ev) only (sharnam ) in the refuge (gachchh) go. (tatprsaadaat) by the grace of only that God, you (paraam) supreme (shaantim ) peace and (shaashvatam ) ever-lasting Sat (sthanm ) Place - Dhaam - Lok (prapsyasi) will attain.

Translation: "O Bharat, seek refuge in that Supreme God alone in every way. By His grace, you will attain supreme peace and the eternal abode (Satlok)."

Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 66:

Sarvdharmaan′, parityajya, mam′, ekam′, sharnm′, vraj, Aham′, tva, sarvpaapebhyaH, mokshyishyami, ma, shuchH ||66||

Translation: (Mam ) my (Sarvdharmaan ) all religious practices (parityajya) abandoning, you only (ekam ) of that one Supreme God (sharnm ) in the refuge (vraj) go (aham ) I (tva) you (sarvpapebhyaH) from all the sins (mokshyishyami) will liberate, you (ma, shuchH) do not grieve.

Translation: Abandon all my religious practices, and go to the refuge of that One Supreme God. I will liberate you from all sins; do not grieve.

The meaning of the above verses is that Kaal (Brahm, or Kshar Purush) tells Arjun that if he remains in Kaal's refuge, the cycle of birth and death will continue. However, if Arjun seeks supreme peace and desires to go to Satlok, he must take refuge in the Supreme God. To do this, he should leave behind all of Kaal's religious practices, including the earnings from the jaap of the first Satnaam mantra. Then, by fully surrendering to the Almighty (the Supreme God), Arjun will be freed from all sins. The earnings of the second Satnaam mantra are left with ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) as one must pass through his realm to reach Satlok. Finally, by obtaining the third mantra, Satshabd (Saarnaam), one achieves permanence in Satlok.

If someone travels abroad and incurs a debt to the government, they must settle that debt and obtain a No Due Certificate before being allowed to return home. Similarly, by performing practices contrary to the scriptures, you become indebted in this Kaal Lok (world).

To clear these debts, first, KavirDev (God Kabir) has sent me, this servant (Saint Rampal Das), as His representative. On behalf of the Supreme God, I will act as your guarantor and help re-establish your connection with the powers of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, for which you must repay the debt by chanting their mantras. As you continue, you will receive material blessings, and by doing virtuous deeds, you will grow in devotion.

Our body contains lotuses:

  • Mool Lotus - Ganesh ji
  • Swaad Lotus - Savitri and Brahma ji
  • Naabhi Lotus - Lakshmi and Vishnu ji
  • Hridya Lotus - Parvati and Shiv ji
  • Kanth Lotus - Durga (Ashtangi).

To pass through these lotuses at the time of death and reach the Supreme God, you must first repay their debts. With the initial instruction, your lotuses will bloom, freeing you from debt. When you leave your body at death, your path will be clear, with all No Due Certificates in hand.

We must worship our Original Master, KavirDev (God Kabir), just as a loyal wife honors her husband while respecting others appropriately. She may regard her younger brother-in-law as a son, her elder brother-in-law as a brother, and her in-laws as parents, but her devotion to her husband is unique. Similarly, a devotee of Supreme God Kabir must dedicate their worship to Him alone.

Do not be swayed by ignorant individuals. Stay devoted on the path of bhakti, guided by this servant (Das), with complete faith. This form of devotion is aligned with all scriptures.

2. In the second stage, Satnaam is given, consisting of two mantras: ॐ (Om) and Tat (coded and only revealed to the worshipper).

3. In the third stage, Saarnaam is given, comprising three mantras: Om, Tat, and Sat (Tat and Sat are coded and will be disclosed to the worshipper).

Through the continuous practice of Saarnaam (the three mantras), a worshipper attains Param Divya Purush, i.e., Supreme God KavirDev, and achieves supreme peace, reaching complete salvation in Satlok.

Important: Currently, only I (Das) possess the true method of worship. Beware of those who steal from this knowledge and, without authorization, pose as gurus to deceive others. Such individuals, sent by Kaal, not only ruin their own lives but also mislead their followers toward ruin.

Resolution of Doubt

  • Question: The essence of the Gita suggests that worshipping Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv is futile. However, I have been worshipping Shri Shiv Ji for 30 years, and I hold a deep attachment to God Shri Krishna. I can’t abandon these deities. I read the Gita daily, chant various mantras like Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, and Om Namah Shivay, and perform rituals like fasting, pilgrimage, and idol worship. I want to go to heaven and have also received initiation from a mahant due to traditional worship.

Answer: Please re-read the "Essence of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita" mentioned earlier. Until you fully grasp the Tatvgyan (true knowledge), this doubt will persist. Consider the analogy of a tree where the Supreme God is the root, and the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv) are the branches. If you water the root (worship the Supreme God), the entire tree, including its branches, will flourish. You are not asked to cut off the branches. Follow the scripturally-approved method of worship, as shown in the picture of the "upright plant of devotion."

We must worship the Supreme God, the root of all existence. By doing so, the benefits of worship will flow to the branches of the three gunas—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv—just like fruits on a tree. You don't need to stop anything; simply begin your devotion as per the scriptural instructions, which will set your bhakti upright.

Currently, most devotees are following arbitrary practices, planting their tree of worship upside-down. This misguided devotion is futile. As stated in Gita Chapter 7, Verses 12 to 18, those who limit themselves to the worship of the three gunas (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv) without acknowledging the Supreme God are considered demonic, ignorant, and misguided. Even Brahm (Kaal), the giver of the Gita's knowledge, refers to his own worship as inferior (anuttamam). Therefore, Gita Chapter 18, Verses 62, 64, 66, and Chapter 15, Verses 1 to 4, advise seeking refuge in the Supreme God through the guidance of a Tatvdarshi saint (referenced in Gita Chapter 4, Verse 34).

Only through scripture-based worship of the Supreme God can one attain peace and reach Satlok, the ultimate abode. Even Brahm (Kaal) admits that the Supreme God is his master. Yet, despite reading the Gita daily, many still follow practices that contradict its teachings, such as chanting mantras like Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, and performing rituals like fasting, pilgrimage, and bathing in holy rivers. These arbitrary acts are not endorsed by the Gita and are deemed useless in Gita Chapter 16, Verses 23 and 24.

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