
Prophecies regarding Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

World-Victorious Saint / Prophecies regarding Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Prophecies regarding Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Prophecies from Other Foretellers Supporting Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Chiero's Prophecy (1925):

England’s renowned astrologer Chiero predicted that a saint born after 1950 would bring about a "new civilization" by the year 2000, spreading transformative knowledge across the globe. This Indian figure would initiate a global revolution through wisdom.

Mr. Vegiletin's Forecast:

Foreteller Mr. Vegiletin anticipated that, during the latter half of the 20th century, the world would face a decline in humanity, fueled by greed, wealth accumulation, and corrupt politicians. However, a new civilization promoting peace and brotherhood would emerge from India, transcending borders and uniting the world in harmony.

Jean Dixon's Vision:

American astrologer Jean Dixon foresaw a great massacre before the 20th century’s end. Following an ideological war, a new civilization led by a spiritual Indian man from a rural background would arise, ushering in lasting global peace and ending all wars.

Mr. Anderson's Prophecy:

American foreteller Mr. Anderson predicted that before the end of the 20th century or in the early 21st century, the world would witness chaos and moral decline. Amid this, a religious rural Indian leader would emerge, establishing a global constitution based on unity—one human race, one language, and one flag. By 1999, this leader would spread the message of morality, kindness, and love, bringing religion, happiness, and peace for thousands of years.

Mr. Gerard Crise's Prediction:

Dutch astrologer Mr. Gerard Crise foresaw that towards the end of the 20th century or early in the 21st century, a devastating war would erase several nations. However, a great man from India would unite the world under the banner of humanity, eradicating violence, division, and deceit permanently.

Mr. Charles Clarke's Prediction:

American astrologer Charles Clarke foresaw that before the end of the 20th century, India would surpass all nations in the field of science. However, its true global fame would come from its religion and philosophy, which the entire world would adopt. This religious revolution would influence humanity in the early 21st century, steering people towards spirituality.

Boriska's Prophecy:

Hungarian astrologer Boriska predicted that before the year 2000, amid violent and chaotic conditions, an Indian prophet would champion a successful struggle against materialism, fostering human virtues in their most enduring form. This spiritual leader would have a large following, leading people to transform materialism into spiritualism.

Dr. Zulvoron's Prediction:

French astrologer Dr. Zulvoron foretold that after 1990, European countries would gravitate towards India's religious civilization. By 2000, with a world population of approximately 6.4 billion, a knowledge-based religious revolution from India would eradicate atheism and sweep across the globe like a storm. The followers of this great spiritual leader would form an influential organization powered by their own resolve.


According to Nostradamus, after global military revolutions, only a few individuals will bring about a positive change in the world. Their leader, a great religious figure, will emerge at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. This leader, born in an eastern country, will unite the world through brotherhood and courtesy. In Century 1 Quatrain 50, Nostradamus prophesies that this great saint will be born on an island (India) surrounded by the ocean on three sides. At that time, the world will be in darkness due to the absence of Tatvgyan (complete spiritual knowledge) and will witness moral decline and turmoil. This religious leader, known as Chyren, will honor his Guru as the most honorable (Guruvar) and will teach others to do the same. Through the power of devotion (bhakti) and spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan), this saint will triumph over all nations. Any attempt to stop his message in Asia will be futile.

Professor Harare 

According to Professor Harare of Israel, before the year 2000, a divine leader from India with humanitarian ideals would lay the foundation for a global spiritual revolution, compelling the entire world to heed his message. Initially, India will experience presidential rule in most states, but eventually, leadership will shift to devout and courageous individuals supported by a religious organization.


Shri Anandacharya of Norway prophesized that after 1998, a powerful religious organization would emerge in India, led by a householder whose ethical code would be embraced worldwide. Over time, India would become a global leader in industrial, religious, and economic matters, with its true spiritual knowledge gaining universal acceptance.

Today, the world is witnessing events aligning with the above-mentioned prophecies. The change of eras (yugas) is an unchanging law of nature. As per Vedic philosophy, there are four yugas: Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug, and Kalyug. When sin dominates the world, God descends to earth in human form.

Since ancient times, India has been the epicenter of humanity's spiritual evolution, where divine incarnations consistently take place.

It is ironic that during the lifetimes of seers, sages, great men, and incarnations, neither rulers nor the public paid heed to their divine teachings. Yet, after their departure, these figures are worshipped with even greater zeal. Even more tragic is the tendency to ignore or oppose them while they are alive, often due to misleading efforts by selfish individuals who tarnish the reputation of the supreme saint. This pattern has repeated throughout history and continues today.

Great men, unwavering in their penance and truth, endure immense hardships, but their words remain infallible. Jesus Christ suffered the agony of nails, Socrates drank poison, and even Shri Ram and Shri Krishna endured torment. Jesus himself declared, "Earth and sky may pass away, the sun may stop rising and setting, but my words will never be wrong."

Gentlemen! If the millions of people today recognize and accept the saint who possesses supreme knowledge, and align their lives with the path he directs, the world would be filled with goodwill, mutual brotherhood, compassion, and true devotion (bhakti). Modern humans, being intelligent, would surely embrace his teachings and receive immense blessings. That saint is Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Please read the brief life history of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, which aligns with and fulfills all the ancient prophecies.

A Short Biography of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj →