
World-Victorious Saint

/ World-Victorious Saint

World-Victorious Saint

(Under the leadership of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, India will rise as the world's spiritual leader)

Nostradamus' Prophecy About Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

In 1555 C.E., the famous French seer Nostradamus made predictions about the future in a coded language, compiled in one thousand quatrains. These were divided into ten centuries of a hundred quatrains each, and to date, all of them have proven accurate. Some prophecies about India that have come true include:

  1. Nostradamus foretold that India's first woman Prime Minister would be influential and proficient (referring to Late Shrimati Indira Gandhi) and that she would be assassinated by her own bodyguards, which came true.
  2. He predicted that her son would succeed her, but his rule would be brief and would end in a sudden death (a clear reference to former Prime Minister Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi).
  3. Nostradamus also made a detailed prophecy about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Chiren / Chyren

(a) In the latter part of Century 5 and the beginning of Century 6 in his prophecies, Nostradamus wrote that exactly 450 years from 1555 C.E.., in the year 2006, a Hindu Saint (referred to as Chyren) would rise to global prominence. At that time, this Hindu Saint (Chyren) would be between 50 and 60 years of age. Supreme God revealed the middle-aged form of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to Nostradamus, showing him future events like a film. Nostradamus referred to the 16th century as the first century, thus making the fifth century the 20th century.

Nostradamus predicted that a Hindu religious leader, referred to as a Saint (Chyren), would abandon the practice of delivering sermons door-to-door in the final year of the Fifth Century, i.e., in 1999 C.E. This Saint would begin guiding followers on the path of true devotion (bhakti) in accordance with scriptural teachings. The followers would receive unparalleled spiritual and physical benefits by following this path. Upon understanding the scripture-certified Tatvgyan given by this enlightened (Tatvdrshta) Hindu Saint, devotees seeking God would be astonished, as if awakened from a deep slumber. The spiritual revolution initiated by this Saint in 1999 would continue until 2006, during which time a large number of devotees would understand the true knowledge and become his happy followers. After that, the Saint would move beyond his current place of influence, and from 2006 onwards, a golden era would begin.

Note: Dear readers, please take a moment to read the following prophecy made by the French foreteller, Nostradamus. An astrologer from Madras, K.S. Krishnamurti, has stated: "The true translation of Nostradamus' prophecies, written in 1555, will be carried out by an astrologer from Maharashtra in the year 1998. This astrologer will decode the cryptic language of Nostradamus' predictions and interpret the future events described within them. The translated work will then be published as a book on future occurrences." Read the words of this translator from the authentic version of the book.


(On Pages 32, 33): "Wait, the Golden Age (Ram Rajya) is approaching." A middle-aged, noble, and unparalleled figure of great power will usher in a golden age, not just in India, but across the entire Earth. This leader will revive Sanatan Dharm (eternal religion) and reveal the true path of bhakti, establishing India as the foremost Hindu nation. Following this, countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, and Malaysia will also recognize him as the universal religious leader. He will confront and hold accountable those who deceive the common people for selfish purposes. This leader (Chyren) will suddenly gain global recognition—watch and see.


(On Page 40, it is written): "Wait, Ram Rajya (the Golden Age) is coming." From June 1999 to 2006, a special revolution will mark the rise of the Golden Age. The savior, Chyren, who will emerge in Hindustan, will bring happiness, prosperity, and peace to the world. Nostradamus confidently states that this Chyren is currently unknown, but he will not be Christian or Muslim—he will be a Hindu. Nostradamus expresses pride in him, predicting that once this divine Chyren rises, former so-called great leaders will pale in comparison, humbling themselves before him. This Indian Tatvdrshta Saint will establish an unprecedented state with equal laws and no discrimination based on gender, wealth, caste, or creed. Injustice will be eradicated under his rule, and people will hold him in deep respect. Although parents are naturally revered, this Chyren, due to his spiritual greatness, will occupy a special place of devotion above even one's mother and father. Despite being a Jewish-born Christian himself, Nostradamus firmly states that Chyren will only be a Hindu.

He (Chyren) will be Chief of the World. Loved, Feared & Unchallenged


(On Page 41): "By uniting everyone under a single rule, regulation, and discipline, he will guide them to the true path." Nostradamus firmly predicts that this Chyren (religious leader) will introduce a new form of knowledge. This savior, born in a country in the Asian region that has an ocean named after it (India), will neither be Christian, Muslim, nor Jewish, but undoubtedly a Hindu. He will surpass the intellect of former religious leaders and be invincible. In Century 6 Quatrain 70, Nostradamus offers a crucial message: "Everyone will love and respect him, but also fear him. His name will echo across the three worlds, beyond the skies." This Chyren will awaken the society, long asleep in ignorance, with the light of Tatvgyan (true knowledge). The entire human race will rise in awe and follow the spiritual practice based on this Tatvgyan. He will lead society in true devotion (sadhna), ultimately taking his followers to their eternal home (Satlok), granting them a permanent place there. He will liberate them from the cruel cycle of Earth (Kaal Lok), and will speak these words.

Century 6 Quatrain 70 - His Fame will Surpass the Heavens


(Page 42, 43): Nostradamus describes a powerful figure, Krurchandra (MahaKaal), and states that only the Chyren (Tatvdarshi Saint) will reveal who this cruel entity is and how to attain liberation from him. Under the leadership of Chyren, the Golden Age will begin on the sacred land of Hindustan (India) and eventually spread throughout the world. His virtues will be celebrated even after his time, and his qualities of peace, humility, and nobility will gain immense recognition. As mentioned in the last line of Century 6 Quatrain 70, Chyren will speak these words: "Chyren only says three words about himself: 'A Victorious Scholar.'" He insists that no other adjectives should be attached to him, as it will not be acceptable. This is referenced in Century 6 Quatrain 71. The Hindu Chyren will once again reveal the unique and supreme knowledge (Tatvgyan) through his wisdom. He will be a world leader, beloved, feared, and unchallenged, reforming human culture with integrity. Although he remains unknown for now, Nostradamus predicted that just as Narsinh appeared suddenly, so too will this great world leader (Chyren) rise to prominence through his logical and unshakable spiritual knowledge, as well as the brilliance of his bhakti. Nostradamus expresses awe at this figure, despite not knowing his origin (Satlok) or personally encountering him. He refers to him only as the "Great Chyren," whose glory cannot be captured in words. In 1999, at the end of the 20th century, this middle-aged world leader will emerge like a radiant lion-man, with unmatched spiritual brilliance. Nostradamus, amazed yet saddened, welcomes this Chyren, acknowledging the lack of recognition he initially faces, despite his greatness.

Do not dismiss my (Nostradamus's) profound prophecy or the arrival of that universal lion-man. With his manifestation and the rise of his radiant sun of Tatv Gyan, a revival of idealistic and noble individuals will take place, ushering in the dawn of the Golden Age. This will begin in the 6th century, specifically in 2006, exactly 450 years after today (1555 A.D. + 450 = 2006). I (Nostradamus) am witnessing this triumphant beginning unfold.


(Page 44, 45, 46): - Nostradamus further confirms in Century 1 Quatrain 50 that the Great Saint will be born in a land (India) surrounded by the ocean on three sides. At that time, ignorance will prevail due to the absence of true spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan). Morality will decline, causing widespread distress. This Chyren (Religious Leader) will regard his Guru as supreme (Guru = guru Var = honourable) and will practice and promote true devotion. He will conquer nations not through force, but with the power of his bhakti and Tatvgyan. Attempting to stop his spiritual mission in Asia will be futile. (Century 1 Quatrain 50)

(Note: Nostradamus's prophecy was originally written in French. An Englishman named Paul Brunton lived in France for several years, where he studied this "Century Book" and later translated it into English. He misinterpreted the term 'Guruvar' as 'Guruvaar,' meaning 'Thursday,' suggesting that the Chyren would base his worship on this day. In reality, 'Guruvar' refers to the supreme Tatvgyata (knower of True Spiritual Knowledge), the highest among gurus. In Vedic terminology, 'Brahspati' signifies the Supreme Lord or Supreme God and also denotes Jagatguru, encompassing the meanings of both.)

In his middle age, he will become a Gyata (knower) of Tatvgyan and a Gyey (giver) of knowable knowledge, achieving fame across the three worlds. His innovative solution and Sadhna-mantra will be as formidable to me (Nostradamus) as a snake charmer's mantra overpowers a venomous snake. This maker of a new solution and regulations, the Tatvveta (Knower of Truth), will emerge before the world, and I, in astonishment, call him the "Great Chyren." The divine brilliance of his knowledge will ignite a storm of upheaval in India, provoking resistance from ignorant saints. He alone will know how to calm this turmoil, like a cruel female snake subdued. Endowed with Kundalini Shakti (power), he will possess the strength of a lion and a body radiant with light. The next clear statement is that, at that time, the ocean where the island/country (India) lies, from which the Chyren will emerge, will bear the name of that island (Indian Ocean). A key distinction will be that the True Master will have full mastery over the Bhujang Sarpini Shakti (Kundalini Shakti) of that land. This Chyren (Great Religious Leader) will be noble, merciful, kind, brilliant, and a holder of the eternal empire, following the Aadi Purush (Satya Purush). His lordship, glory, and teachings will be universal. He will establish the principle of faith and devotion to the Guru, emphasizing that no spiritual practice succeeds without a Guru. By delivering discourses on Tatvgyan, he will awaken his religious brothers (Hindus) from their ignorance and dispel the blind faith practices that contradict the scriptures. He will illuminate the hidden, profound knowledge (Tatvgyan) and lead them back to the true Sanatan Dharm, bringing them supreme peace. His Tatvgyan will then spread across the world, unmatched by any other knowledge. Even the sun’s brightness will pale in comparison to his wisdom. Thus, this Universal Lion-like figure will be so great that I (Nostradamus) cannot adequately express his glory in words. I am witnessing this Great Chyren.

The meaning of the above description is that the "Tatvgyan" (true spiritual knowledge) will become clear to this world leader by the age of 50. In the year 2001, after studying the sacred scriptures of various religions, he will attain profound understanding (Gyata) of them and then become the teacher (Gyey) of that Tatvgyan. His spiritual awakening will occur on an Amaavasya (new moon day). At that time, he will not be in his youth, meaning he will not be 16, 20, or 25 years old, but will be mature. When he becomes renowned, his age will be between 50 and 60 years.


(Page 46, 47): Nostradamus states with certainty that if anyone tries to compare my prophecy about the supreme Tatvgyata (Great Chyren) to any current world leader, no one will match the description. I, Nostradamus, confidently declare that the actions and profound hidden knowledge (Tatvgyan) of my Chyren will surpass all others. Just wait for the year 2006; Chyren will fully affirm every detail of this prophecy.


(Page 52): Nostradamus predicted that at the start of the 21st century, a "Chyren" will rise on the world stage. The changes that will occur are not by my (Nostradamus's) desire, but will unfold according to Chyren's will and the force of destiny. Among these changes, Hindustan (India) will emerge as the most superior nation, unseen for centuries. A prosperous Hindu empire will rise, led by a religious saint who will be a Tatvdrshta, a savior of the world and a giver of profound knowledge. His wisdom will surpass even the sacred texts like the Ramayana and Mahabharata. This saint will be a follower of SatPurush and will be unmatched in greatness.


(Page 74): Many saint-leaders will come and go, but all will be arrogant and betrayers of God. However, I (Nostradamus) have had an inner audience with that true Chyren.

The Hindu saint from Hindustan, a beacon of new light to a world lost in darkness—blind due to a lack of true knowledge of devotion—will rise. In a chaotic world where brothers kill brothers out of selfishness, sons turn away from fathers, Hindus and Muslims become enemies within their own faiths, and society is consumed by the pursuit of wealth, this world-conquering religious leader will emerge. He will have no personal desires or arrogance, driven only by concern for the salvation of mankind. His humility and selflessness will mark him as a true Tatvdarshi Saint, destined to become renowned worldwide. His teachings will endure for centuries, leaving even modern scientists in awe of the spiritual miracles he performs. All his knowledge will be rooted in scripture, and Nostradamus advises that wise men should not underestimate him. He should not be seen as a mere flicker of wisdom, but as a great light. By recognizing his greatness, and establishing him on a spiritual throne as a representation of God, the world will witness the deliverer of salvation—this follower of Aadi Purush (SatPurush).


Century 6, Quatrain 27

Within the Isles of five rivers to one,
Through the expansion of the great Chyren Selin:
Through the drizzles in the air the fury of one,
Six escaped, hidden bundles of flax.

  • (Isles of five rivers to one – This could symbolize the Punjab region in India, often referred to as the "land of five rivers."
  • Chyren Selin – This name is typically interpreted as a powerful leader, often thought to be a savior or a king.)

Century 6, Quatrain 70

Chief of the world will the great Chyren be,
Plus Ultra behind, loved, feared, dreaded:
His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens,
And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.

(This prophecy appears to describe a great leader, referred to as Chyren, who will become a globally recognized and powerful figure. He will be loved, feared, and respected for his achievements, and his fame will reach extraordinary heights, even surpassing earthly realms. The phrase "Plus Ultra behind" suggests that this leader will advance beyond previous boundaries or expectations. Despite his immense success and recognition, he will find satisfaction in the simple title of Victor, highlighting humility amidst his greatness.)

Century 2, Quatrain 79

The beard frizzled and black through skill
Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will remove from far away
All those captured by the banner of Selin

(The prophecy highlights a great leader's triumph over tyranny and his ability to free many from oppression. It talks about Kaal, master of the world we live in, a cruel god )

Century 2, Quatrain 50

From the three water signs will be born a man
who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
His renown, praise, rule and power will grow
on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.

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