
Origin of Brahm (Kaal), the Giver of Gita's Knowledge

The Revelation of True Knowledge / Origin of Brahm (Kaal), the Giver of Gita's Knowledge

Origin of Brahm (Kaal), the Giver of Gita's Knowledge

In Chapter 10, Verse 2, it is stated that neither the gods nor the great sages know about the origin of Brahm (Kaal), because they have all originated from him. This implies that Brahm (Kaal) has indeed taken birth, but those within his creation, like the gods and sages, are unaware of it—much like children cannot speak about the birth of their father, but the grandfather can. Similarly, all beings in the twenty-one brahmands (cosmic regions) have originated from the union of Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) and Prakriti (Durga). Therefore, no one in these realms knows about Brahm's origin except for the Supreme God (Purna Brahm), from whom Brahm (Kaal) himself originated. Clear evidence of Brahm's origin is also found in Chapter 3, Verses 14-15 of the Gita.

Chapter 10, Verse 3: A Tatvdarshi (enlightened sage) knows both Brahm (Kaal) and the Eternal Supreme God, who never takes birth and is the Greatest Lord of all realms. Such a sage is familiar with the teachings of the three Vedas—Rigved, Samved, and Yajurved. By following the path of devotion revealed by this Tatvdarshi Saint, one's sins are eradicated.

In Chapter 15, Verses 16-18 of the Gita, it is mentioned that the Eternal Supreme God is distinct from the perishable and imperishable beings and sustains the three worlds. Brahm (Kaal) is mistakenly referred to as "Purushottam" because he is superior to the perishable beings and souls within his twenty-one brahmands. However, this title is based on folklore, not reality. Brahm is neither eternal nor the sustainer.

In Chapter 3, Verses 14-15, it is explained that living beings arise from food, which comes from rain, rain from yagya, and yagya from auspicious actions, which in turn originate from Brahm. Brahm, however, originated from the Eternal Supreme God, who is the true Adhiyagya (the deity who accepts and rewards sacrificial offerings).

In Chapter 10, Verse 2 of the Gita, it states that no one knows my origin (prbhavam). This indicates that even Kaal (Brahm) has taken birth, implying that he exists in some form. Krishna was physically present before Arjun and could not claim to be immemorial and unborn (ajam). Kaal (the unseen Brahm) conveyed the true nature of his existence through the Gita by entering Krishna's body and speaking from within.

This description supports the notion that Brahm originated from Purna Brahm (the Complete God). Further evidence of this can be found in Atharvaved, Kaand 4, Anuvaak 1, Mantra 3. Please refer to it below.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 3

Pr yo jagye vidwaanasya bandhurvishwa devaanaaM janima vivakti | Brahm Brahmn ujjbhaar madhyanneechaeruchchaeH swadhaa abhi pra tasthou ||3||

Pr - yaH - jagye - vidwaanasya - bandhuH - vishwa - devaanaam - janima - vivakti - BrahmH - BrahmnH - ujjbhaar - madhyaat - nichaeH - uchchaeH - swadhaa - abhiH - prtasthou ||

Translation: (Pr) first of all (devaanaam ) of the gods and the brahmands (jagye) the knowledge of the origin (vidwaanasya) of a curious devotee (yaH) who (bandhuH) the real companion i.e. Supreme God only, to His personal servant (janima) whatever has been created by Him (vivakti) Himself tells correctly in detail that (BrahmnH) Supreme God (madhyaat ) from within Him i.e. by word power (BrahmH) Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal (ujjbhaar) by giving rise to (vishwa) the whole world i.e. all the loks (uchchaeH) above Satyalok etc (nichaeH) below all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm (swadhaa) by His acquirable (abhiH) attractive force (pr tasthau) properly established both of them.

Translation: The Supreme God, the true companion of a devoted seeker, first imparts the detailed knowledge of the origins of the gods and the brahmands to His disciple. He explains that He generated Brahm (Kshar Purush/Kaal) from within Himself, through His word power, establishing the entire universe, including all the loks above, like Satyalok, and the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm below, using His attractive force.

Meaning: The Complete Supreme Being reveals to His disciple the knowledge of the nature He created and the origins of all souls. He states that He produced Brahm (Kshar Purush/Kaal) from His own essence and has secured all the brahmands—Satlok, Alakh lok, Agam lok, and Anami lok above, as well as ParBrahm's seven sankh brahmands and Brahm's 21 brahmands below—through His powerful influence.

For example, Supreme God Kabir (KavirDev) shared the knowledge of creation with His devoted disciples, including Shri Dharam Das ji and Respected Garib Das ji. This is also supported by the aforementioned Vedic mantra.

Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7

YoatharvaanM PitraM DevbhandhuM BrahspatiM namsaav ch gachchhaat′ | TvaM vishweshaaM janita yathaasH KavirDevo na dabhaayat swadhaavaan ||7||

YaH - atharvaanm′ - Pitram′ - Devbandhum′ - Brahspatim′ - namsa - av - ch -gachchhaat′ - tvam′ - vishweshaam′ - janita - yatha - saH - KavirdevH - na - dabhaayat′ - swadhaavaan′ |

Translation: (YaH) who (atharvaanm′) unchanging i.e. eternal (Pitram′) Father of the Universe (Dev bandhum′) the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul (brahspatim′) Guru of the universe (ch) and (namsa) polite worshipper i.e. a methodical worshipper (av) with safety (gachchhaat′) who takes those who have gone to Satlok, to Satlok (vishweshaam′) of all the brahmands (janita) Creator, Jagdamba i.e. who is also endowed with the qualities of a mother (na dabhaayat′) who does not betray like Kaal (swadhaavaan) who has the nature i.e. qualities of (yatha) as it is (saH) He (tvam′) Himself (KavirDevH / Kavir′ - DevH) is KavirDev i.e. in different language is also called Supreme God Kabir.

Translation: He is the eternal, unchanging Father of the universe, the true companion of devotees, the foundation of the soul, and the Guru of the universe. He safely leads methodical worshippers to Satlok. He is the Creator of all the brahmands, endowed with maternal qualities and unwavering nature, unlike Kaal. He is, in essence, KavirDev, also known as Supreme God Kabir.

Meaning: This mantra clarifies that the Supreme God, the Creator of all existence, is named KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir). He is the eternal Guru of the universe and the basis of the soul. He guides those who are completely liberated to Satlok and possesses the qualities of unwavering fidelity, unlike Kaal (Brahm). Thus, He is indeed KavirDev.

This God, who creates all the brahmands and living beings through His word power, is known as both Mother and Father, and in truth, He is also our Brother. He is the Supreme God (Dev). Thus, only Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) should be worshipped. As expressed in the verse: "Tvamev Maata ch Pita Tvamev, Tvamev Bandhu ch Sakha Tvamev, Tvamev vidhya ch dravinm Tvamev, Tvamev sarvM mm Dev Dev," which translates to: "You alone are my Mother and Father, my Brother and Friend. You are my knowledge and wealth; You are the God of all gods."

The grandeur of this God is elaborated upon in Holy Rigveda, Mandal 1, Sukta 24.


How did the name "Kavir" or "Kabir" appear in the Vedas when KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) originated in 1398 C.E.?

Answer: The Supreme God's actual name is KavirDev, along with similar titles such as SatPurush, Param Akshar Brahm, and Purna Brahm. Just as the name of a prime minister is distinct from the title of the position they hold, KavirDev has manifested under different names throughout the four yugas. He was present in a human-like form in the Anami (Anamay) lok even before the creation of nature and the Vedas. After creating Satlok, He resided there and subsequently created all the loks of ParBrahm and Brahm, along with the Vedas. This is why KavirDev is mentioned in the Vedas.

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