
Definition of Incarnation

Introduction / Definition of Incarnation

Definition of Incarnation

The term "Incarnation (Avtaar)" means to descend from a higher place to a lower place. It specifically refers to those supreme souls who perform remarkable activities on earth, considered to be sent by God or as the arrival of God Himself.

In Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 15 verse 1-4 and 16-17, there is knowledge of three Purushs (Gods):

  1. Kshar Purush (Brahm): Also known as Brahm, worshipped with the mantra 'Om'. Evidence in Gita Chapter 8 verse 13.
  2. Akshar Purush (ParBrahm): Also known as ParBrahm, worshipped with the coded mantra 'Tat'. Evidence in Gita Chapter 17 verse 23.
  3. Uttam Purush (Supreme Purush): Another Supreme Purush, distinct from Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush, known as Param Akshar Purush. In Gita Chapter 8 verse 1 and Chapter 8 verse 3, referred to as Param Akshar Brahm, worshipped with the coded mantra 'Sat'. By attaining this Supreme God, worshippers attain supreme peace and eternal abode. Evidence in Gita Chapter 18 verse 62.

This Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm) is different from the speaker of the knowledge in the Gita. For further understanding, please refer to the book "Gyan Ganga" available from Satlok Ashram, Barwala.

Incarnations are classified into two types as mentioned above. It is now understood that there are primarily three Purushs (Gods), as previously mentioned, with two main Gods playing a role for us:

  1. Kshar Purush (Brahm): Also referred to as Kaal in Gita Chapter 11 verse 32.
  2. Param Akshar Purush (Param Akshar Brahm): Mentioned in various verses including Gita Chapter 8 verse 3-10, Chapter 18 verse 62, and Chapter 15 verse 1-4 and 17.

Knowledge concerning the manifestations of Brahm (Kaal)

Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 7

Yadaa, yadaa, hi, dharmasya, glaaniH, bhavti, bharat, Abhyutthaanam , adharmasya, tadaa, aatmaanm , srjaami, aham

Translation: (Bharat) O Bharat! (yadaa, yadaa) whenever (dharmasya) of righteousness (glaaniH) decline and (adharmasya) unrighteousness (abhyutthaanam ) rise (bhavti) occurs (tadaa) then then (hi) only (aham ) I (aatmaanam ) my part incarnation (srjaami) create. (7)

In Shrimad Bhagvad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 7, the Gita's narrator Kaal (Brahm = Kshar Purush) explains that when hatred threatens righteousness, he manifests incarnations. Ramchandra and Krishna, considered Vishnu's avatars, were created by Kaal Brahm. Additionally, there are eight more incarnations, sent by Vishnu from his realm, and mentioned in some Purans as 25 in total. These incarnations of Kaal-Brahm (Kshar Purush) violently eradicate unrighteousness through massacre, aiming to establish peace but often causing unrest. Examples like Ramchandra and Krishna illustrate this method, where their actions led to widespread suffering, illustrating the pattern adopted by future incarnations like NiHkalank, the tenth incarnation who will appear at the end of Kalyug as Harishchandra's son in Sambhal City, annihilating the tyrannical and unjust to restore balance, leaving only the righteous in his wake.

Information regarding the incarnations of Param Akshar Brahm, also known as Satya Purush

Param Akshar Brahm manifests on earth in two distinct ways:

  • A. In each era, He emerges as an infant on a lotus in a forest pond, taken by a childless couple. Growing up, He spreads spiritual wisdom to eradicate unrighteousness. This act earns Him the title Narayan, signifying His appearance on water.
  • B. At His discretion, He descends from Satyalok in the form of a living saint to impart knowledge to virtuous souls, who in turn disseminate wisdom to combat unrighteousness. These saints are also considered incarnations sent by the Supreme God.

In Kalyug, on Jyesht Sudi, the full moon day of Samvat 1455 (year 1398), Supreme God Kabir descended from Satyalok and sat on a lotus flower in Lahartara pond, Kashi. Neeru and Neema, a weaver couple, brought Him from there. Supreme God Kavirdev (Supreme God Kabir), in His infant form, did not consume any food for 25 days. Neeru and Neema, who were Brahmins in their previous life and devotees of Shri Shiv Ji, had been forced to convert to Islam and earned their living as weavers. Upon seeing the critical condition of the child, Neema invoked her favored deity Shiv Ji. Shiv Ji appeared as a Sadhu and observed Supreme God Kabir lying as an infant. God Kabir requested, "Oh Shiv Ji, please ask them to bring a maiden cow. By your blessings, it will give milk." Following these instructions, Shiv Ji patted the maiden cow's back, causing a stream of milk to flow from its udders. A small earthen pot was placed underneath, and the milk flowed until the pot was filled. Supreme God Kabir Ji would drink this milk daily. Raised in a weaver's home, He later worked as a weaver and imparted Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) to virtuous souls, thereby destroying unrighteousness. Those souls, whom He met in His Jinda Mahatma form, were taken to Sachkhand (Satyalok), enlightened, and familiarized with Himself. They were incarnations of Param Akshar Brahm (Satya Purush), including Dharmdas Ji, Malook Das Ji, Nanak Dev Sahib Ji (founder of Sikh religion), Dadu Sahib Ji, Garibdas Sahib Ji of Chhudani village, Jhajjar (Haryana), and Gheesa Das Sahib Ji of Khekhda village, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). They eradicated unrighteousness, preventing vices from spreading long-term. Despite an abundance of saints today, peace is absent due to their non-scriptural worship, contributing to societal rise in unrighteousness despite centuries of knowledge propagation.

The present embodiment of Satya Purush

The propagation of the true way of worship and the (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge, which the aforesaid incarnation-saints of Supreme God used to do, because of which there was mutual love, people used to get distressed in each other's sorrow, used to help a helpless person, Supreme God Kabir has provided that same scripture-based way of worship and that same true spiritual knowledge to Sant Rampal Das Ji Maharaj. In March 1997, on the Shukl Pratham of Falgun month at 10 o'clock in the morning God Kabir came from Satyalok in the form of a Jinda Mahatma and after giving the order of granting Satnaam and Saarnaam to Sant Rampal Das Ji Maharaj, disappeared.

Satyayug in Kalyug →