
Knowledge about Creation of Universe in Garibdas Ji's Teachings

Creation of Universe / Knowledge about Creation of Universe in Garibdas Ji's Teachings

Knowledge about Creation of Universe in Garibdas Ji's Teachings

Evidence of Creation of Universe in Respected Garibdas Sahib’s Sacred Speech

Aadi Ramaini (Sad Granth, Page no. 690 to 692)

Aadi ramaini adli saara | ja din hote dhundhukaara ||1||
SatPurush kinha prakaasha | ham hote takhat Kabir khawaasa ||2||
Man mohini sirji Maya | SatPurush ek khyaal banaaya ||3||
Dharmrai sirje darbaani | chausath jugtap sewa thaani ||4||
Purush prithvi jaaku dinhi | raaj karo deva aadhini ||5||
Brahmand ikees raaj tumh dinha | man ki ichchha sab jug linha ||6||
Maya mool roop ek chhaaja | mohi liye jinhu dharmraja ||7||
Dharm ka man chanchal chit dhaarya | man Maya ka roop bichaara ||8||
Chanchal cheri chapal chiraaga | ya ke parse sarbas jaaga ||9||
Dharmrai kiya man ka bhaagi | vishya vaasna sang se jaagi ||10||
Aadi Purush adli anraagi | Dharmrai diya dil se tyaagi ||11||
Purush lok se diya dhahi | agam deep chali aaye bhaai ||12||
Sahaj das jis deep rehnta | kaaran kaun kaun kul pantha ||13||
Dharmrai bole darbaani | suno Sahaj das brahmgyaani ||14||
Chausath jug hum sewa kinhi | Purush prithvi hum kun dinhi ||15||
Chanchal roop bhya man baura | manmohini thagiya bhaunra ||16||
SatPurush ke na man bhaaye | Purush lok se hum chali aaye ||17||
Agar deep sunat badbhaagi | Sahaj das meto man paagi ||18||
Bole Sahajdas dil daani | hum to chaakar Sat Sahdaani ||19||
SatPurush se araj gujaarun | jab tumhara bivaan utaarun ||20||
Sahaj das ko kiya piyaana | Satyalok liya pravaana ||21||
SatPurush Sahib Sarbangi | avigat adli achal abhangi ||22||
Dharmrai tumhra darbani | agam deep chali gaye praani ||23||
Kaun hukam kari awaaja | kahan pathaavau us dharmraja ||24||
Bhai awaaj adli ik saacha | vishya lok ja tinyu baacha ||25||
Sahaj vimaan chale adhikaai | chhin mein agar deep chali aai ||26||
Humto araj kari anraagi | tumh vishya lok jaavo badbhaagi ||27||
Dharmrai ke chale vimaana | maansarover aaye praana ||28||
Maansarover rahan na paaye | darae Kabira thaana laaye ||29||
Banknaal ki vishmi baati | tahaan Kabira roki ghaati ||30||
In paanchon mili jagat bandhaana | lakh chauraasi jeev sataana ||31||
Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar Maya | Dharmrai ka raaj pathaaya ||32||
Yauh khokha pur jhoothi baaji | bhisti baikunth dgaasi saaji ||33||
Krtim jeev bhulaane bhaai | nij ghar ki to khabri na paai ||34||
Sawa laakh upjein nit hansa | ek laakh vinshein nit ansa ||35||
Upti khapti parlay feri | harsh shok jaura jam jeri ||36||
Paanchon Tatv hain parlay maanhi | satvagun rajgun tamgun jhaanyi ||37||
Aathon ang mili hai Maya | pind brahmand sakal bharmaaya ||38||
Ya mein surati shabd ki dori | pind brahmand lagi hai khori ||39||
Shwaasa paaras man gah raakho | kholhi kapaat amiras chaakho ||40||
Sunaau hans shabd sun daasa | agam deep hai ag hai baasa ||41||
Bhawsaagar jam dand jamaana | dharmrai ka hai talbaana ||42||
Paancho oopar pad ki nagri | baat bihangam banki dagri ||43||
Humra dharmrai so daava | bhawsaagar mein jeev bharmaava ||44||
Hum to kahain agam ki baani | jahaan avigat adli aap binaani ||45||
Bandi chhor hamaara naamam | ajar amar hai asthir thaamam ||46||
Jugan jugan hum kehte aaye | jam jaura se hans chhutaaye ||47
Jo koi maane shabd hamaara | bhavsaagar nahin bharmein dhaara ||48||
Ya mein surati shabd ka lekha | tan andar man kaho kinhi dekha ||49||
Das Garib agam ki baani | khoja hansa shabd sehdaani ||50||

The meaning of the sacred speech is that Respected Garib Das ji explains that initially, there was only darkness, with Supreme God Kabir seated on His throne in Satlok, where we served Him. God then created Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) and granted him 21 brahmands as a reward for his meditation. Subsequently, He created Maya (Prakriti). Jyoti Niranjan became infatuated with the young Durga (Prakriti) and attempted to assault her. As a consequence, Brahm was expelled from Satlok and cursed to consume one lakh human beings and produce a lakh and a quarter daily.

Here, all living beings endure the suffering of birth and death. If anyone receives the true Mantra (Naam Jaap) of the Supreme God from us, we will liberate them from Kaal’s bondage. We are known as 'Bandichhor' (Liberator from prison). Respected Garib Das ji, speaking on behalf of his Guru and God Kabir, advises: Obtain the true Mantra, Satyanaam and Saarshabd, to achieve complete salvation. Otherwise, deceived by the false promises of misguided saints and priests, you will remain trapped by Kaal and continue to face hardships.

Speech of Garibdas Ji Maharaj

(Excerpt from Sat Granth Sahib, Page no. 690)

Maya Aadi Niranjan bhaai, apne jaaye aape khaai |
Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar chela, Om SohM ka hai khela ||
Sikhar sunn mein Dharm anyaayi, jin shakti daayan mehal pathaai |
Laakh graas nit uth dooti, Maya Aadi takhat ki kooti ||
Sawa laakh ghadiye nit bhaande, hansa utpati parlay daande |
Ye teeno chela batpaari, sirje purusha sirji naari ||
Khokhapur mein jeev bhulaaye, swapna bahist vaikunth banaaye |
Yo harhat ka kua loi, ya gal bandhya hai sab koi ||
Kidi kunjar aur avtaara, harhat dori bandhe kai baara |
Arab aleel indra hai bhaai, harhat dori bandhe sab aai ||
Shesh Mahesh ganeshwar taahi, harhat dori bandhe sab aahi |
Shukradik brahmadik deva, harhat dori bandhe sab khewa ||
Kotik karta firta dekhya, harhat dori kahoon sun lekha |
Chaturbhuji bhagwan kahaavain, harhat dori bandhe sab aavain ||
Yo hai khokhapur ka kua, ya mein pada so nishchay muwa |

The three gods—Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv—under the influence of Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal), glorify themselves and lead living beings through cycles of existence in heaven, hell, and on Earth, including the 84 lakh births. Jyoti Niranjan creates living beings through his Maya, similar to a female snake. Just as a female snake coils around its eggs and strikes them with its hood, causing many eggs to break and release the offspring, Jyoti Niranjan produces and then destroys living beings. Those who escape the cycle are saved; those trapped within are consumed, much like the snake devours its own offspring.

Maya kaali nagini, apne jaaye khaat |
Kundali mein chhode nahin, sau baton ki baat ||

Kaal’s trap operates as follows: Even if we perform bhakti up to Niranjan after receiving naam (initiation) from a Complete Saint, we remain trapped within his domain (the twenty-one brahmands). Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and Aadi Maya Sheranwali are also caught in Niranjan’s trap, perpetually cycling through birth and death. For instance, Dhruv, Prahlad, and Sukhdev Rishi, despite chanting the ‘SohM’ Mantra, did not attain liberation. According to Vishnu Puran, Part One, Chapter 12, Verse 93, Dhruv was liberated for only one Kalp (one thousand Chaturyugs), meaning he remained within Kaal’s realm. Likewise, devotees who chant ‘Om Bhagwate VasudevayH NamH’ are worshipping Shri Krishna and remain bound to the cycle of 84 lakh births. The teachings of Supreme God Kabir and Respected Garib Das ji Maharaj clearly illustrate this reality.

Anant koti avtar hain, Maya ke Govind |
Karta ho ho avtare, bahur pade jag fandh ||

A living being can achieve liberation only through the worship of SatPurush Kabir. Without returning to Satlok, a soul continues to perform actions in Kaal Lok (the realm of Kaal), spending its accrued merits in heavenly pleasures. Consequently, the soul repeatedly cycles through the 84 lakh species of living beings, suffering the consequences of its deeds. Numerous gods, including Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, have undergone births and deaths after originating from Maya (Durga). They came as divine incarnations but were ensnared by their actions and reborn into the cycle of 84 lakh births. For instance, Vishnu, cursed by Devrishi Narad, incarnated as Ramchandra in Ayodhya and killed Baali. To atone for this deed, Vishnu reincarnated as Krishna, only to face Baali's soul, now a hunter. Baali's soul sought revenge by striking Krishna with a venomous arrow, leading to Krishna's death.

Maharaj Garibdas ji Sahib says in his speech: –

Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar Maya, aur Dharmrai kahiye |
In paancho mil parpanch banaaya, vaani humri lahiye ||
In paancho mil jeev atkaaye, jugan-jugan hum aan chhutaaye |
Bandichhor hamaara naamam, ajar amar hai asthir thaamam ||
Peer paigambar kutub auliya, sur nar munijan gyaani |
Yeta ko to raah na paaya, jam ke bandhe praani ||
Dharmrai ki dhooma–dhaami, jam par jang chalaaun |
Jora ko to jaan na doonga, baandh adal ghar lyaaun ||
Kaal Akaal dohun ko mosun, Mahakaal sir mundun |
Main to takht hazoori hukmi, chor khoj koon dhoondhu ||
Moola Maya mag mein baithi, hansa chun-chun khaayi |
Jyoti swaroopi bhya Niranjan, main hi karta bhaai ||
Sahas athaasi deep munishwar, bandhe moola dori |
Etyan mein jam ka talbaana, chaliye Purush kishori ||
Moola ka to maatha daagun, sat ki mohar karoonga |
Purush deep koon hans chalaaoon, daraa na rokan doonga ||
Hum to Bandichhor kahaavan, dharmrai hai chakvae |
Satlok ki sakal sunaava, vaani hamri akhvae ||
Nau lakh pattan oopar khelun, saahdarey koon rokoon |
Dwaadas koti katak sab kaatoon, hans pathaaun mokhu ||
Choudah bhuvan gaman hai mera, jal thal mein sarbangi |
Khaalik khalak khalak mein khaalik, avigat achal abhangi ||
Agar aleel chakra hai mera, jit se hum chal aaye |
Paancho par parwaana mera, bandhi chhutaavan dhaaye ||
Jahaan omkaar Niranjan naahi, Brahma Vishnu Ved nahi jaahin |
Jahaan karta nahin jaan bhagwaana, kaaya Maya pind nahin praana ||
Paanch tatv teeno gun naahi, jora Kaal deep nahin jaahin |
Amar karoon Satlok pathaoon, taatain Bandichhor kahaaoon ||

Respected Garibdas Ji, in describing the glory of Supreme God Kabir (KavirDev), says that our God, Kabir, is the "Bandi Chhor" (the Liberator from prison). Bandi Chhor refers to the One who rescues beings from Kaal’s captivity. In the twenty-one brahmands ruled by Kaal-Brahm, all living beings are imprisoned due to their sins. Supreme God Kabir destroys all sins, whereas Brahm, ParBrahm, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv can only administer the results of one's actions. As stated in Yajurved Chapter 5 Mantra 32: "Kaviranghaariasi"—KavirDev (God Kabir) is the enemy of sins; "Bhambhaariasi"—He is the enemy of bondage, the true Bandi Chhor.

SatPurush KavirDev (God Kabir) is supreme above all, including Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Maya, and Dharmrai, and is the Master of Satlok. All other gods, such as ParBrahm, Brahm, and the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, along with Aadi Maya, are mortal. Both these gods and their realms will be destroyed during Mahapralay (the Great Destruction). Though their lifespans are significantly longer than that of ordinary beings, their preordained time will inevitably come to an end.

Respected Garib Das ji Maharaj says:

Shiv Brahma ka raaj, Indra ginti kahaan |
chaar mukti vaikunth samajh, yeta lhya ||
Sankh jugan ki juni, umra bad dhaariya |
ja janani kurbaan, su kaagaj paariya ||
Yeti umr buland maraega ant re |
Satguru lage na kaan, na bhente sant re ||

Even if one has a lifespan spanning sankh yugas (quadrillions of years), it will ultimately come to an end. However, if we receive initiation (naam-updesh) from the representative Complete Saint of SatPurush God Kabir (KavirDev), who imparts the three-word mantra (with Om, and Tat & Sat in coded form) and has the authority to initiate from a Complete Saint, and if we accumulate the earnings of the true naam, we can become the worthy (hans) souls of Satlok. Without true worship, a long life is meaningless, as Niranjan's lok is filled only with misery.

Kabir, jeevna to thoda hi bhala, jae Sat sumran hoye |
Laakh varsh ka jeevna, lekhe dharey na koye ||

God Kabir (Purna Brahm) reveals that above all other deities, there exists SatPurush, the True Supreme God, who resides in Satlok (Sachkhand or Satdhaam). He holds authority over all realms, including Brahm’s (Kaal's) 21 brahmands, the worlds of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Shakti, and ParBrahm’s seven sankh brahmands. By chanting Satnaam and Saarnaam, which can only be obtained from a Complete Guru, a soul can reach Satlok and never be reborn. SatPurush (Purna Brahm) God Kabir is present in various loks under different names: as Alakh Purush in Alakh Lok, Agam Purush in Agam Lok, and Anami Purush in Anami/Akah Lok. These are His titles, but His true name is Kavir Dev (also known as Kabir Sahib in other languages).

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