
Creation of Universe in the Divine Teachings of Supreme God Kabir

Creation of Universe / Creation of Universe in the Divine Teachings of Supreme God Kabir

Creation of Universe in the Divine Teachings of Supreme God Kabir

Evidence of the Creation of Nature in the Divine Teachings of Supreme God Kabir (Kavir Dev)

Important: The following sacred teachings were imparted by the most revered Supreme God Kabir (Kavir Dev) between the year 1403 (when He was five years old in His divine form) and 1518 (when He ascended to Satlok from Maghar), approximately 600 years ago. These teachings were recorded by His devoted servant, Dharamdas ji. However, the ignorant gurus of both Hindu and Muslim traditions at that time dismissed Kabir as a deceiver, claiming that the names of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv's parents are not mentioned in any holy texts and that these deities are immortal with no birth or death. They also argued that there was no evidence of God Kabir in the Vedas or the Quran, asserting that God is formless. Many innocent souls were misled by these deceitful gurus, believing their claims due to the apparent literacy of the gurus compared to the illiteracy of Kabir.

Today, the truth is becoming increasingly clear, supported by the holy texts of all religions. These texts confirm that the Complete and Supreme God, the Creator of the entire universe, the Master of the lineage, and the Omniscient Being is Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir). He manifested on a lotus flower in a pond in Kashi (Banaras), assuming a less radiant human-like form over His true effulgent nature. He lived for 120 years, imparting authentic knowledge about the nature He created, before ascending to Satlok with His body.

Dear Readers, please read the following sacred discourse delivered by Supreme God Kabir.

Dharmdas yeh jag bauraan | koi na jaane pad nirvana ||
Yahi kaaran main katha pasaara | jagse kahiyo Ram niyaara ||
Yahi gyan jag jeev sunaao | sab jeevon ka bharam nashaao ||
Ab main tumse kahon chitaai | treydevan ki utpatti bhaai ||
Kuchh sankshep kahon guhraai | sab sanshay tumhre mit jaai ||
Bharam gaye jag ved puraana | Aadi Ram ka bhed na jaana ||
Ram Ram sab jagat bakhaane | Aadi Ram koi birla jaane ||
Gyaani sune so hirdae lagaai | murkh sune so gamya na paai ||
Maa Ashtangi pita Niranjan | ve jam daarun vanshan anjan ||
Pahile kinh Niranjan raai | peechhe se Maya upjaai ||
Maya roop dekh ati shobha | Dev Niranjan tan man lobha ||
Kaamdev Dharmrai sataaye | Devi ko turatahi dhar khaaye ||
Pet se Devi kari pukaara | Sahab mera karo ubaara ||
Ter suni tab hum tahaan aaye | Ashtangi ko band chhudaaye ||
Satlok mein kinha durachaari | Kaal Niranjan dinha nikaari ||
Maya samet diya bhagaai | solanh sankh kos doori par aai ||
Ashtangi aur Kaal ab doi | mand karam se gaye bigoi ||
Dharmrai ko hikmat kinha | nakh rekha se bhag kar linha ||
Dharmrai kinhaan bhog vilaasa | Maya ko rahi tab aasa ||
Teen putr Ashtangi jaaye | Brahma Vishnu Shiv naam dharaaye ||
Teen Dev vistaar chalaaye | in mein yeh jag dhokha khaaye ||
Purush gamya kaise ko pave | Kaal Niranjan jag bharmaavae ||
Teen lok apne sut dinha | sunn Niranjan baasa linha ||
Alakh Niranjan sunn thikaana | Brahma Vishnu Shiv bhed na jaana ||
Teen Dev so unko dhaavein | Niranjan ka ve paar na paavein ||
Alakh Niranjan bada batpaara | teen lok jiv kinh ahaara ||
Brahma Vishnu Shiv nahin bachaaye | sakal khaaye pun dhoor udaaye ||
Tinke sut hain teeno deva | aandhar jeev karat hain sewa ||
Akaal Purush kaahu nahin chinha | Kaal paaye sabahi gah linha ||
Brahm Kaal sakal jag jaane | Aadi Brahm ko na pahichaane ||
Teeno Dev aur autaara | taako bhaje sakal sansaara ||
Teeno gun ka yeh vistaara | Dharmdas main kahon pukaara ||
Gun teeno ki bhakti mein, bhool paro sansaar |
Kahae Kabir nij naam bin, kaise utrain paar ||

In this sacred discourse, Supreme God Kabir explains to His disciple, Shri Dharmdas, that the world is in confusion due to a lack of true spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan). People are unaware of the true path to complete salvation and the true origin of creation. Supreme God Kabir intends to reveal the true story of creation, stating that wise individuals will understand, but those who refuse to accept the evidence are ignorant and under the influence of Kaal’s force, and thus not suited for devotion.

He continues to explain the origins of the three gods—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv. Their mother is Ashtangi (Durga), and their father is Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm-Kaal). Brahm was born from an egg, followed by the creation of Durga. Kaal (Brahm) became infatuated with Durga, and after misbehaving, Durga took refuge in his stomach. Supreme God Kabir intervened, rescuing Durga from Brahma's stomach and sending them 16 Sankh Kos (a unit of distance, where one Kos equals 3 km) away along with the 21 Brahmands.

Kaal (Brahm) then united with Prakriti Devi (Durga), resulting in the birth of the three gunas—Brahma (Rajgun), Vishnu (Satgun), and Shiv (Tamgun). All living beings are trapped by worshipping these three gunas. Without the true Mantra, achieving complete salvation remains impossible.

Important: Dear Readers, consider this: unknowledgeable saints have described Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu, and Shri Shiv as immortal, leading the Hindu society to believe these deities are changeless and free from birth and death. However, as previously explained, these three gods are mortal. Their father is Kaal (Brahm) and their mother is Durga (Prakriti/Ashtangi). This truth is documented in our scriptures, but many gurus, sages, and saints lack this knowledge. Just as an unqualified teacher is unfit to educate, those who are ignorant of the true origins of these deities mislead their followers.

These unknowledgeable spiritual leaders, by promoting incorrect teachings and practices, have kept their followers from the true benefits of devotion. As highlighted in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verses 23-24, those who abandon scriptural injunctions for arbitrary worship gain no real benefit. Since 1403, Supreme God Kabir has been sharing the true knowledge of the scriptures through His sacred speech (Kavir Vaani), but many unknowledgeable gurus have prevented this knowledge from reaching the devotees. This truth is now becoming clear.

This proves that Supreme God KavirDev (God Kabir) Himself manifested as a Tatvdarshi Saint (Satguru).

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